Legends of RuneterraReveals

LoR: 5 Fate’s Voyage Onward Decks Worth Trying

Launch Week Decks for Fate’s Voyage Onward

Hey all, it’s Trevor “Shugo” Yung here with five new decks to try out during the launch of the new expansion; Fates Voyage: Onward!

While it’s still early, this is looking to be one of the best expansions ever!

If you take a look over the set, there are two powerful words written numerous times. Well technically, a word and a number…”draw 2″!

Get ready for some flashy combos and wacky new play patterns, because cards are gonna be flying all over the place. I can’t wait!

To build your own Fate’s Voyage Onward creations, head to our Deck Builder.

1. Elemental Temple

Elemental Temple lor deck


[See Elemental Temple deck details]

“Elemental Temple” is a splashy spell-slinger deck built around Elemental spells and the power of Sunken Temple. Janna and Nilah take the helm to provide both card draw and cost reduction; a card gamer’s dream come true! Through continuous card draw and cost reduction opens the door for a lot of plays that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Pilot correctly against your opponent and you’ll be able to take them by storm!

Early Game

One of the key components of this deck is Deluge. This spell lets us immediately turn up the pressure by amplifying every damage spell cast from then on. Every spell in the deck has the Elemental tag, making Deluge essentially a five mana Tybaulk that can be cast as early as turn three!

Maryam even allows us to cast Deluge on three without having passed the two turns prior. That’s a big help against aggressive decks looking to punish our otherwise slow start. However, once everything is in order, our supercharged spells will bring us back into the game. Divine Draft and Tidal Invocation become very cheap and efficient two-for-one’s.

Nilah is another powerful opener that can start putting Slipstreams into our deck. Brash makes it easy to avoid blockers early on, as few units can contest Nilah by turn two. Once you pick up your Slipstream(s), it’s recommended to hold onto them until later as there are a lot of expensive cards that are vulnerable to fleeting.

Mid Game

At this point we want to get Sunken Temple online. Doing so will effectively remove fleeting from our cards, as they’ll be shuffled back to the deck at the end of every round. Additionally, our cards will continuously get cheaper and cheaper with each Updraft. Combined with Deluge, it gets a whole lot easier to put a real dent on the enemy board. We just have to be careful, as we’re never guaranteed to have a particular card in hand once we hit the “end turn” button. Sometimes we just gotta bank some spell mana and cross our fingers!

Late Game

While there’s no specific win condition for the deck, there’s more than enough value to get the job done. Iascylla doubles up every spell we cast while Wizened Helmsman lets us recast two previously played spells for free! Add our level two champions into the mix and just about any action we take is sure to create some fireworks!

2. Wildfire OTK

Wildfire OTK lor deck


[See Wildfire OTK deck details]

Wildfire OTK (One Turn Kill) is an all-in combo deck that abuses the cost reduction from Crimson Banquet Hall and the infinite draw power of The Swindler’s Den. By loading the deck full of 1-drops, once both landmarks are in play, every single one becomes a “zero mana draw one”. Play units until you find Wildfire, then cast Wildfire to add more copies to your deck. Repeat until the opponent is dead.

Wildfire in and of itself is infinite damage, provided you can draw enough copies…and this deck’s goal is to nearly ensure that it does!

Early Game

It’s important to note that despite the amount of 1-drops, this is not an aggro deck. If we were to play everything out immediately, our hand would surely fizzle as we quickly run out of gas. The entire premise here is to draw both landmarks and get them on board by turn six. Then win the game the following turn.

Hard mulligan to find Crimson Banquet Hall and The Swindler’s Den. Nothing else is worth keeping.

Note: We don’t include champions because champion spells can brick our combo if we already have that champ in play.

Mid Game

The goal of both the early and mid game is to survive long enough to combo off on seven. This can be a challenge as the deck lacks removal and can barely interact with the opponent at all. Our best bet is to play units and trade efficiently when possible. Be sure to chump block any larger amounts of damage. Watchful Idol is a great stall tool.

It’s important to bank spell mana before the combo turn. Coral Creatures and Grumbleslug are ideal units to play pre-combo.

Don’t play Pool Shark before Swindler’s Den and hold onto Shellshocker when possible.

Late Game

Assuming our combo pieces have been found, Crimson Banquet Hall should come down on turn five, followed by The Swindler’s Den on turn six. After dropping the Den, put down any Pool Sharks that same turn. This will help ensure success the following turn by reducing the odds of bricking. If you happen to draw Wildfire off of the Pool Shark (or already have it in-hand), cast it. Everything else can be safely discarded.

Barring enemy interaction, the only thing that can go wrong is if we draw bricks. When we pass the turn on six, we get one draw to start things off. If we happen to hit another Swindler’s Den it’s likely game over. Pool Shark greatly reduces this from happening, as we get more cards that we can cycle through.

Blade Squire and Pocket Picker help give us a mulligan, as we can use their spells as another cycle if we hit multiple dead cards. Coral Creatures fills a similar role but comes with a very slight drawback (along with Grumbleslug). They effectively cost one unit mana, but refund spell mana. So long as we’ve found and cast Wildfires in between chaining units, this isn’t a problem.. But there is a tiny sliver of a chance where these attune 2-drops could become a whiff in certain scenarios.

Depending on how things have played out, it’s possible to be short on mana to cast enough Wildfires for lethal. However, Shellshocker allows us to net one spell mana, making it a vital tool for smoothing out a long combo turn. In fact, with multiple Shellshockers and enough regular damage from the early turns, it’s possible to find lethal on turn six! All in all, Wildfire OTK is definitely in meme territory, but the combo potential is real enough to be worth a try!

3. She Who Wanders the Storm

She Who Wanders The Storm lor deck


[See She Who Wanders the Storm deck details]

Freljord Targon control is back with the new addition of the Titanic mechanic. Sigil of the Storms offer a unique way to ramp temporarily, opening up some huge plays far sooner than usual! Volibear takes lead as the primary champion, but we can’t have a ramp deck without She Who Wanders!

Early Game

It’s no secret that the early game is our weakest point. That’s why we have Cosmic Youngling to help hold back any aggression. However, at the end of the day, what’s most important is progressing our own game plan. So let’s find our ramp!

Blue Sentinel and Valhir’s Prophet are the perfect in-between option as they can contest the board and provide essentially a delayed point of mana. Winter’s Touch and Wild Mysticism are our true forms of ramp that take priority so long as we’re safe enough. Invocation of Thunder does the worst of both, offering only temporary ramp and without a body. Ideally, save this for later on unless there are no better options.

Mid Game

Rhond, The Magma Serpent gives us a big body to throw down without having to commit all of our resources. It’s a good “removal check” that can apply pressure and hopefully force an answer before our real threats come down. Additionally it provides three more Titanic cards to ensure Seismic Shard is always cost reduced to four. With that, we have a super efficient removal spell to help deal with opposing threats.

End Game

Both Volibear and She Who Wanders will make a real impact the turn they come down. Both can decimate the enemy board, but She Who Wanders can also obliterate their hand! Assuming we’ve reached this point, we’re definitely in the driver’s seat. End the game with the Titanic duo, or even throw down Aurelion Sol for good measure!

3. Fizz Nilah

Fizz Nilah lor deck

[See Fizz Nilah deck details]


This is an ode to my favourite deck of all time; Fizz TF. It’s the perfect storm of elusives, burn, and a ridiculous amount of card draw! Spend turns churning through cards, building up an unblockable board, then end the game with a bang!

Early Game

We pack a good number of clunky cards in this deck. There’s Blowback, Exalted Cloudwinder, Wiggly Burblefish, and also Barbed Chain and Rummage to a degree. These cards are effective once we can chain spells together, and Slipstream is a key piece of the puzzle.

Nilah and Vikrash are ideal early picks to place Slipstream in our deck ASAP. Don’t forget, we still have to draw it. Maryam offers fantastic tempo, allowing us to trade a card for a full bank of spell mana. In the case of an awful hand, we do have the option to draw instead.

Mid Game

Once Slipstreams are available, we can start pushing chip damage and chaining further card draw. Exalted Cloudwinder is insane value for three mana, and we all know how good Barbed Chain is! An important factor in all of this is to make sure we can afford the fleeting cards to maximize value. There will be times where we whiff our draw, but careful planning can help avoid these scenarios. Zaunite Urchin, Rummage, and Blowback can efficiently use those fleeting cards as discard fodder. Plus of course Maryam’s Updraft can send back one card as well.

Late Game

With the insane amount of card draw we’ll have more than enough card advantage to end the game. Fizz and Nilah can apply a ton of pressure at level two, and combined with our elusives and burn spells we’re sure to get the job done. This is for you Twisted Fate. You would’ve loved this expansion.. We’ll make the most of it in your honour!

5. Clash of Giants

Clash of Giants lor deck


[See Clash of Giants deck details]

Clash of Giants is a brand new “Feel The Rush” style finisher. Casting this spell will create two Titanic followers that are sure to cause havoc to the enemy. However, unlike Feel The Rush, we don’t need ramp to make it function. Clash of Giants has built-in cost reduction just by playing Elemental spells! (Or abilities, but not relevant here.) When I think of spells, I think Seraphine.. And when I think of Elemental spells, I think of Janna!

Early Game

We want to focus our effort towards casting as many Elemental spells as possible. Not only will this work towards a cost-reduced Clash of Giants, but it will also scale up our Galesong Flocks. After playing even just a few Elemental spells, Galesong Flock becomes a real threat for its cost. One of our best ways to work towards that is with Galesong Call. A one mana 2/1 may not appear special.. But one spell mana for a 2/1 that builds up our Elemental spell count is fantastic!

Maryam helps provide the 2/3 body while turning our worst card into three spell mana. It’ll go a long way to helping our survival in the early game. Other than that, just do the normal Seraphine thing and cast a variety of spells as efficiently as we can.

Mid Game

Sunken Temple makes another appearance as a powerful draw engine for the deck. Janna functions in a similar light, allowing us to exchange any unnecessary situational spells for a fresh hand. Continue casting spells for value until we can draw and cast Clash of Giants.

At this point, levelling up Seraphine should always be in mind. What’s unique this time is the possibility of doubling up some much higher-costed spells. Sunken Temple is continuously shuffling back our cards and reducing their cost. Multiple Updrafts combined with Janna can lead to some unpredictable play patterns. We may be able to cast Galesong Flock or Clash of Giants with level-two Seraphine value! There’s definitely no guarantee, but it is worth keeping in mind during games that go late enough.

Late Game

Clash of Giants will hopefully provide enough power to push through to their nexus, but if not, why not cast another one! Between Clash of Giants, Galesong Flocks, and general spell value, there’s surely enough to get across the finish line. We may need to get a little crafty, but our clever play will be rewarded!


That wraps up my launch decks for the expansion, and I’m more stoked than ever. Despite it being a small set overall, these designs are super well-rounded and open up a ton of diverse deck-building potential. Feel free to give some or all of these a try, and of course, dive into your own brews! Happy expansion day!