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Top 5 Champs With The Longest Auto-Attack Range in League of Legends

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Top 5 Longest Ranged Champs in League of Legends

In League of Legends, there are 2 types of champions: melee and ranged. Ranged champions out-range (get it) melee champions. Some champions in League have incredibly long-range, while others have very short range. To clarify, when we talk about range, we mean the champions ranges on their auto attacks.

Ranged champions are sometimes stronger than melee champions as they can harass them and bully them from afar without allowing the enemy to hit them in return. When laning against a long-ranged champion on our list, it might be hard to lane against them when playing as a melee or low ranged champion. The stats we are using are from the LOL Wiki. Click the link if you want to find out more!

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1. Caitlyn (650 range)

Caitlyn’s basic attack range is very large. It allows her to harass the enemy Support and ADC frequently while taking little to no damage in return. Caitlyn also has long-ranged poke with her Q while her E is a long-ranged defensive tool. Caitlyn’s current playstyle is that she constantly pushes the enemy in to their turret in order to pick up free tower plates and gold.

Good Caitlyns will be able to harass and bully the enemy so much during the laning phase. If you can keep them pushed in, you will gain a large lead over the enemy, which can allow you to snowball from there.

Caitlyn Range

If you’re interested in playing Caitlyn, here’s some things to get you started:

2. Annie (625 range)

Annie is a long-ranged mid laner that can bully and harass the enemy when they walk up to farm. As there are a lot of melee champions in the mid-lane, she can often harass them down and gain a significant health advantage. She can also position safely while farming too, which is very beneficial.

While you have long-range, try to harass the enemy with your basic attacks and your Q to get the enemy low on health. Getting them low can prevent an all-in.

Annie Range

Here are some tools to help you get started playing Annie:

3. Anivia (600 range)

Anivia has long-range and can bully the enemy down. However, typically Anivia players use their range advantage to farm from afar in the early game so they do not get killed or all-in’d by the enemy laner. Even though Anivia has her Passive to fall back on, Anivia is extremely squishy, so positioning is key.

When playing as Anivia, try to harass the enemy with auto-attacks and use your basic attacks in conjunction with your Q>E combo to maximize your damage output. But, because you’re so squishy and immobile, don’t over commit to poking with basic attacks.

Anivia Range
Love Anivia and want to learn how to play her? Here’s how to get started:

4. Ashe (600 range)

Ashe is seen as one of the few counters to Caitlyn, thanks to her range and poke. She is good as she has a long-ranged auto-attack and also long-range with her W poke too. She can often match the enemy’s damage output with her basic attacks and empowered autos.

While Ashe does have the range, she isn’t a great early game champion. So it is important that you avoid taking too much damage early on, or else you’ll die to all-ins and trades. The best times to fight on Ashe are after you’ve completed your first component item, and got some levels under your belt.

Ashe Range

Ashe going to be your new main? Check these out first:

5. Senna (600 range)

Senna has long-range, and longer range as time goes along thanks to her Passive which allows her to gain range depending on how many stacks she gains. She is a lane bully and can constantly harass the enemy. Whether she is played in the ADC role or Support, she is a big issue for low ranged champions such as melee Supports.

In the current meta, Senna can constantly abuse the enemy with her Q and basic attacks. It is important that you try to play as aggressive whenever you possibly can, or else you’ll fall behind and miss out on stacks. This is because you need to bully the enemy to get Passive stacks.

Senna Range

Senna is dominating the meta, so learn how to play her with these guides:


That about sums up this article on the 5 champions with the longest auto-attack range in LoL. Do you like laning against these champions? I personally don’t in the bottom lane as it feels like I am always in range of them. Anyway, for more cool articles, head to Mobalytics!