League of LegendsLoL

Best Mid Laners for Season 25.S1 (Season 15)

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Top 5 Best Mid Laners to Solo Carry in Season 25.S1

On the 8th of January 2025, the 15th Season of League of Legends started. Unlike previous Seasons, Riot changed how Seasons are labelled, changing it from Season 15 to 25.S1, but we all know what we will call it. Like every Season in LoL, there are various high-impact changes such as champion buffs and nerfs, new map mechanics and a new monster to contend with.

With these changes, your favourite champion might be impacted and might not be a strong as they once was. In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 of the best Mid Laners you can play to earn LP and climb in the ranks at the start of Season 25.S1.

Before we get into this article, we need to provide a quick disclaimer. The champions on our list may not be statistically the best to play when reading this article, as every patch win rates change. However, we will update this article every so often to keep the list current! For reference, the data is mid-patch, and uses Emerald+ data.

1. Cassiopeia (52.9% WR)

The first champion on our list is Cassiopeia. Cassiopia is a very strong champion in both the Mid and ADC role right now. One of the many reasons she is so strong is that she has benefited from the changes on the first patch of the new season. If you learn Cassiopeia this Season, you can flex her into multiple roles: making her a great choice for many players.

After your team has destroyed their towers in their respective lanes, look to play a side lane and continue farming. Cass needs gold, so you need to be picking up that farm. Don’t let your allies just farm everything; otherwise, you’ll fall behind. After the laning phase and in the mid-game, you need to be grouping with your allies and looking for picks as a team to come out ahead.

Cassiopeia is pretty simple to understand, but playing her to her fullest can be rather challenging. Of course, you should look to play aggressively if you land your Q, but playing around your mana and not running out is quite difficult. Another thing you have to be aware off is her low mobility. Mastering her kit means playing her to her full potential, while limiting her vulnerabilities.

How to play Cassiopeia in Season 25.S1

2. Anivia (51.7% WR)

If Cassiopeia isn’t the champion for you, maybe Anivia might be a better choice. Like Cass, she is good at scaling and can be very strong in the later parts of the game. With her Passive, she also has extra defences (her Egg) to prevent herself from heading back to base. Furthermore, her Passive is a direct counter to many champions with executes who are also played a lot in the lower ranks.

During all stages of the game, you need to be playing around your Passive and playing a bit safer while it is on cooldown as Anivia is very squishy and quite immobile. You will want to press R (and potentially Q) on the minion wave and then walk as far back as possible to ensure you can pick up farm while remaining safe. Do this throughout the game.

Anivia is one of the harder champions on our list to play to her full potential. It isn’t as simple as many players think: press R and clear waves! In fact, using your abilities correctly is quite difficult, and one mistake can cost your team their lives. Furthermore, landing your Q can be pretty challenging as it’s not the fastest projectile in the game, which gives the enemy a lot of time to dodge it.

How to play Anivia in Season 25.S1

3. Lux (51.4% WR)

One of the poster children of LoL is Lux. Lux has consistently been one of the most popular champions in LoL, and in the newest Season of LoL, she has shown to be extremely strong as well. Mastering Lux in the new Season has a ton of benefits. For instance, she is a flex pick champion, meaning you can also pick her in the Support role.

What Lux players tend to do is get enough gold to get their first component, recall and then usilise this item to help them push waves and pick up more gold. You will get to the stage where your E can clear waves without the need for an auto-attack, but until that time, do that. Look for picks and opportunities to skirmish with the enemy by throwing out your Q and using a combo around your Ultimate to deal a lot of damage to them. Don’t be afraid of using your Ultimate, as it has a short cooldown.

Lux is easy to learn but does have a higher skill ceiling than some other champions in the game. Her simplicity and ease to pick up makes her a favourite for many people learning the role as she has a good balance between poke and kill potential. The hardest thing about learning to play Lux is playing around her vulnerabilities, which is her squishiness.

Elementalist Lux SplashHow to play Lux in Season 25.S1

4. Irelia (51.2% WR)

Irelia is the only melee champion on our list today, but do not underestimate Irelia. While she can get bullied down by the ranged champions, her strong all-in allows her to get on to the enemy and take them down quickly. With a stacked Passive, she can keep auto-attacking the enemy until their death!

During the mid and late game, you want to split push and apply pressure to objectives. If you’re ahead, you can just play with your team and look for flanking opportunities. Focus the enemy squishys and try to use all your abilities on them to ensure you kill them quickly. If you’re not ahead, you can just split push and apply pressure to the side objectives while your team applies pressure elsewhere.

Irelia’s a difficult champion to play and master, and it will also take a lot of time to really understand her inside and out. So, if you spend time trying to learn her, you can dominate the enemy and take over the game. Irelia can be amazing against mages in the mid-lane, so she is worth trying to play! Remember that Irelia is also a flex pick, so if you can play her in the Mid and Top lanes.

Frostblade irelia splashHow to play Irelia in Season 25.S1

5. Viktor (50.6% WR)

The final champion on our list is Viktor. Viktor received changes in the tail end of 2024, making him a stronger champion in the new Season in both the Mid and ADC roles. If you put some practice into learning Viktor, you can abuse him in both the Mid and Bottom lanes to gain tons of XP this year!

Like many other Mid Laners in LoL, you need to find a balance between farming and grouping. If your bottom lane has rotated mid, go to a side lane and focus on pushing waves and gaining gold. Once you have more items and levels, you should start grouping and playing with your team. Try to delay fights while you poke the enemy down with your E, and don’t be afraid to activate your Ultimate if an enemy is low. Forcing them to recall could be a good idea, allowing you to take objectives.

There is a high skill curve when it comes to learning Viktor. He isn’t straightforward to master, so expect to play lots and lots of games on him to master him properly. However, as we said earlier, if you put the effort into him, then you can play him in both the Mid and Bot lanes.

Viktor Base Splash CropHow to play Viktor in Season 25.S1

In Conclusion

If you don’t like any of the champions on our list, don’t worry! There are plenty of good strong Mid Laners you can pick and do well on in Season 25.S1, which is one of the benefits of such a diverse role. As I always recommend, make sure you pick a champion that you enjoy who is strong as you will not enjoy playing champions who do not suit your playstyle.

For more articles to help you climb in Season 15, make sure you head over to the Mobalytics Blog.