League of LegendsLoL

Best Junglers for Season 25.S1 (Season 15)

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Top 5 Best Junglers to Carry in Season 25.S1

In Season 15 of League of Legends, there are a ton of changes that have impacted the Jungle role. This includes the likes of bounty changes, objective changes and item changes aswell. There is a brand new objective called the Atakhan which spawns on the map. Taking this objective is crucial for teams early game domination.

With there being a lot of changes to the game, Junglers that were strong in Season 14 may not be as strong as they once were in Season 15. This is why it is important to stay up to date with the changes and to know who is strong and weak. But we’ve got you covered in this article. Today, we will be discussing 5 of the strongest Junglers for Season 15, also known as 25.S1.1.

Before we get into this article, we need to provide a quick disclaimer. The champions on our list may not be statistically the best to play when reading this article, as every patch win rates change. However, we will update this article every so often to keep the list current! For reference, the data is mid-patch, and uses Emerald+ data.

1. Wukong (51.5% WR)

The first champion we recommend you pick up in the new Season of LoL is Wukong! Wukong is an extremely strong skirmishing champion who can dominate the early game. Post 6, he is also a major threat with his Ultimate, often resulting in confirmed kills whenever he has it available. Wukong is a fun pick who can also be flexed, so if you know how to play him in the Jungle role, you can also play him in the Top lane.

He is really good in team fights, so make sure you’re looking to play around your Ultimate and only fight when it is up. In the mid-game, look for fights around objectives or in the jungle, as teams will usually be grouped together, allowing you to hit multiple enemies simultaneously. If you’re ahead in the mid-game, then you should look to fight often to continue your dominance into the late game.

Wukong is a very flexible and versatile champion, which makes him a great pick for many players. He is easy to pick up, but you need to put the practice in to utilise his kit to the max! I would recommend learning when you should and shouldn’t be ganking to maximise his effectiveness in the early game. Try limit testing to see what works for you.

Wukong SplashHow to play Wukong in Season 25.S1

2. Nunu (50.9% WR)

With the new objective changes in the newest Season of LoL, Nunu has become an even stronger pick. He can take the objectives easily with his early-game damage output, but that isn’t the only reason he is strong. Nunu’s ability to gank his laners cannot be ignored. He can come in far and fast, allowing him to avoid vision and gank his allies.

The main thing to remember is that you should be taking those major objectives as soon as you can. Nunu will need to gank often in the early game and then try to take the objectives whenever possible. In team fights, look to flank from the side with a giant snowball and then CC any target you can. Preferably, hit the enemy carries and then follow that up with damage from your Ultimate and your allies.

Nunu is a simple champion to play mechanically. You just need to hit your W on the target to get ganks off. However, what makes Nunu more challenging is his objective control and securing those major objectives. Nunu can easily take objectives, but knowing when is a little trickier. You need good map awareness to have good objective control. So make sure you’re always keeping an eye on the map at all times.

Nunu_WorkshopSkin 2How to play Nunu in Season 25.S1

3. Skarner (50.9% WR)

The third champion on our list is Skarner. Skarner is another strong skirmisher who can get some good ganks off in the early game. Like Nunu, his ability to move around the map quickly and ignore vision makes him a major threat to any laner. Skarner’s versatile build path allows him to be a real pain for any enemy, and picking him could provide tons of value for your team.

During the mid-game, you must be playing around your Ultimate cooldown and looking to gank whenever it is up. Doing this is really important as it is an excellent CC tool. You can start fights easily on over-extended targets by using your ability from afar and then attacking from the side. Make sure you buy a lot of pink wards to help you clear vision.

Skarner is a straightforward champion and probably the easiest on our list. His kit is very simple to understand, and you can probably master him in 5 to 10 games. However, understanding when to engage and disengage is quite a bit harder. If you want to master Skarner in LoL this Season, make sure you limit test and try different things to fully understand his kit and gameplay.

Sandscourge Skarner Skin CropHow to play Skarner in Season 25.S1

4. Bel’Veth (50.5% WR)

You may have noticed a pattern so far. Every champion we have listed is a strong ganker early and has a lot of skirmishing power and great objective control. Bel’Veth is no exception, which is why she is one of the stronger champions you should be mastering in the new Season of LoL.

Bel’Veth requires a lot of gold and income, so you must find a balance between farming and ganking throughout all game stages. The more gold you get, the stronger you will be, so I suggest being selfish and picking up what farm you can. But do not forget about those objectives! Keep an eye on the map at all times and ensure you take them whenever possible to give yourself the advantage.

She is quite a mechanically demanding champion, especially when it comes to running around the enemy champion so you can get the extra damage off. However, if you emphasise learning Bel’Veth and understanding her gameplay and how to play her, then you can master her. Bel’Veth players can take over the map with the smallest of leads.

Cosmic Matriarch Bel'Veth Splash ArtHow to play Bel’Veth in Season 25.S1

5. Viego (50.4% WR)

Last but not least is our 5th recommendation- Viego. Since his release, he has been a dominant Jungler for players to learn. His strengths come from his early skirmishing power, which enables him to pick up kills and start a snowball. A good Viego consistently looks to make plays around the map to get himself and his allies ahead.

Viego benefits from a more selfish playstyle, so make sure you keep trying to pick up as much gold as possible. During the mid-game, look to pick up the farm from the side lanes that your allies are not taking, and make sure you keep taking your jungle camps. Always play on the side of the map where the major objective is so you do not lose out on the objective.

Finally, Viego is quite a difficult champion to play, so you must spend some time learning him. His kit is quite straightforward, but you need to learn how when you should and shouldn’t engage and when to back off, etc.

Viego Splash 1How to play Viego in Season 25.S1

In Conclusion

That about wraps up our article on 5 of the best champions to play in the Jungle role if you want to climb in Season 25.S1. Please remember that they may not be statistically the best win-rate wise, but if you master them, you’ll be a major threat on Summoners Rift and able to solo carry the game!

For more articles to help you climb in Season 25.S1, make sure you head over to the Mobalytics Blog.