Top 5 ADCs to Solo Carry in Season 25.S1
The new League of Legends Season has officially started, and players are diving back into Summoner’s Rift after the winter break. This Season has several updates, including new map mechanics and a new monster, champion adjustments, and item reworks.
With these changes, the meta has shifted slightly from Season 14, meaning some champions that dominated last Season may not be as good in Season 25.S1. In this guide, we’ll discuss 5 top-tier ADCs to help you climb the ranks and secure LP in Season 25.S1.
Before we get into this article, we need to provide a quick disclaimer. The champions on our list may not be statistically the best to play when reading this article, as every patch win rates change. However, we will update this article every so often to keep the list current! For reference, the data is mid-patch, and uses Emerald+ data.
1. Jinx (51.6% WR)
The first champion on our list is the poster child of League of Legends! Jinx is a fan favourite ADC who has consistently been strong for the past season and she continues to wreak havoc on Summoners Rift in the new season of LoL. Jinx can snowball very quickly if she can get an early kill or two, making her a very strong mid and late game champion.
Jinx players should look to gain an early lead and snowball from there. She doesn’t deal too much damage in the early ranks, but once she has some levels and items under her belt, then she can easily carry in team fights thanks to her Q and W. The only downside to playing Jinx is that she is quite squishy and can be immobile compared to some other ADCs like Corki or Ezreal as she doesn’t have a dash or mobility tool that is one of her abilities.
Jinx is one of the easier champions on our list. She can be really strong with any Support in LoL. She does well with tanks as she can follow up after they engage. She works with peel as they can empower her to deal additional damage. Jinx works well with damage dealers too, as it turns her lane into a kill lane. Clearly, she does well with a lot of champs!
How to play Jinx in Season 25.S1
2. Corki (51.5% WR)
I’ve been playing League of Legends on and off for about 12 years now, so I remember when Corki was originally an ADC and it sucked to see him get changed to a Mid Laner. After his changes in late Season 14, he is now quite a decent ADC and has great carry potential in the right hands. If you can master him in the ADC role, you can also flex him to the mid-lane.
Corki has good damage output throughout all stages of the game which allows him to win early trades with the enemy. He also has good poke in forms of his Q and Ultimate, and then his E is also a tank buster which helps him against tanky Supports like Rell and Leona as it applies resistance shred to make them weaker. After level 6, he can use his Missile Barrage to poke the enemy while they’re under their tower to get a significant gold lead via turret plates.
After Corki’s changes last season, he has become a much better ADC, making him really strong. He isn’t as simple as many believe, but if you put in the practice to learn him, you can quickly master him. If you want to play Corki, you’re in luck as you can play him with a range of different Supports. You can pick him with tanks or all-in champions, utility and damage champs.
How to play Corki in Season 25.S1
3. Viktor (51.4% WR)
The third champion on our list is another champion who received changes pushing them into the ADC role. After Viktor’s small rework and changes he is now a dominant force in the bottom lane: making him a consistent lane bully and carry. What make him so strong in the lower ranks is that if your team picks multiple AD champs, you can pick an AP bottom laner, and your team will deal mixed damage rather than full AD.
While Viktor isn’t that strong early and does need some time to come online, you can easily push waves and earn a lot of gold. After some time, 1 E will deal enough damage to push the whole wave, so you can keep the enemy pushed under their tower and clear waves easily. In the mid game, you can deal a lot of damage with your E and Ultimate: allowing you to damage multiple enemies at once.
Viktor is one of the harder ADC champions to play on our list, but as we have suggested, if you play him in the mid-lane as well as the bottom lane, you get more bang for your buck. He does take some time to learn, but I am sure in no time at all you will dominate your lane opponent. He is so strong during the laning phase and can even be good in the hardest of matchups.
How to play Viktor in Season 25.S1
4. Hwei (51.3% WR)
The next champion is another AP champion. His name his Hwei! He is one of the newer champions on our list, and ever since his release, he has been quite a consistent Mid and ADC champion. He has good damage output and can be a major carry if he gets a few kills early on.
While he may not be the strongest champion in the laning phase, given some time to farm up and get some levels under his belt, he can be really potent thanks to his damage output. In team fights, this is applified as he has AOE abilities. Oh, let’s not forget that he has so many combos that many players don’t even know what he does or what to expect- which you can use to your advantage!
Hwei is another AP champion and is one of the hardest champions in the game as he has so many combos. But, if you put in the practice you can play him in both the mid and bottom lane (in both ADC and Support!) He works best with champions who can either empower him to deal extra damage, or champions with all-in as he can follow-up and deal damage.
How to play Hwei in Season 25.S1
5. Caitlyn (50% WR)
The fifth champion on our list is Caitlyn. She is a very strong laner who can bully and harass the enemy whenever they walk up to farm or last hit. Caitlyn’s range is so large that she can keep bullying the enemy throughout the laning phase. Another benefit to picking Caitlyn is that she can get the early turret plates a ton of gold by poking and pushing the enemy under their tower.
One of the main benefits of playing Caitlyn is that she can get you a ton of extra gold and help you open up the map. She can easily snowball in the lane and get a ton of kills: making it really difficult for your lane opponent to survive and pick up farm. After pushing the enemy under their tower and getting the turret plates, you can rotate around the map and take further objectives quickly.
Caitlyn is my go-to ADC as she is so easy to play. In the new Season in LoL, she is fantastic with every Support. She loves engage Supports as they can tower dive and get picks, she loves utility champions that can empower her like Nami or Lulu as they increase her damage output, and she also works well with damage dealers like Zyra. The two of them can push and poke the enemy and earn a lot of gold!
How to play Caitlyn in Season 25.S1
In Conclusion
That is about it for our article on the best champions to play in the ADC role to climb quickly in Season 25.S1. While they may not have the highest statistical win rate in the ADC role, you have a high chance of winning when mastering any of these 5 champions, so pick one that you enjoy and are good at. Thanks for reading!
For more articles to help you climb in Season 25.S1, make sure you head over to the Mobalytics Blog.
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