How to Climb Quick in LoL Season 1 (Season 2025/15)
The new League of Legends season is starting this week, and many players will be making a return to Summoners Rift. At the start of every year, we at Mobalytics create articles to help you understand the major overhauls that have occurred as well as of educational articles intended to help you climb in the new season.
In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks to help you get the best start to the new ranked season and help you climb quickly in season 1, aka Season 15 of League of Legends.
To stay up to date with the latest LoL news, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.
1. Get Your Practice In
The first tip we have is to get your practice in. If you have taken a step back from League lately for the winter break, you might be slightly rusty. Instead of heading straight into Ranked, make sure you play a lot of Normal or Quickplay games first. Doing this will help you slowly get back into the gist of things and quickly return to the skill level you had beforehand.
Furthermore, as there are a lot of changes this Season, you should probably play some Normal games first so that you understand some of the new changes and are not surprised by them when you are trying to climb. Stay tuned as we will be creating an article that goes over all of the major changes for the new Season, but in the meantime, you can check out the patch notes to help you understand them too.
2. Learn Your Matchups
Understanding how to play Every champion and against every champion is super important. In the past year, we have had a lot of champion releases and changes. For instance, Viktor was recently changed, and Ambessa was released- do you know what each of these champions do now? If you don’t, don’t worry! You can head over to the Mobalytics Champion Page for any champion to see how to play as and against them.
Also, you should be using the Mobalytics App. Using the app will help you as it can provide tips and tricks to play in the matchup you’re in. For instance, if you are Jinx playing against Caitlyn, it will give you some handy tips to help you counter her and win the game.
3. Build the Right Items
Regardless of what champion you are playing, you must understand what items your champion should use. I see countless players buying items that don’t necessarily work well with their champion or buying items in the wrong order when there are better items around.
If you have already downloaded the Mobalytics App, you can directly import the latest builds for your favourite champion. This is important as you can focus on other things rather than trying to make a build in Champions Select. Using the app saves time and effort, which is valuable in Champions Select.
It’s important to reiterate that in the new Season, items will be changed, and some may be added or removed. You must stay up to date in case your champions’ build differs from the last Season.
4. Play Meta Champions
Look, I know how much you love playing Yasuo, but he isn’t meta anymore. If you’ve taken quite a long time out of the game, you might be completely out of the loop about which champions are strong and which are terrible. Many things can change from Season to Season, and when items get buffed or nerfed, champions can either go up or down in priority.
We create a Mobalytics Tier List for every Patch, which outlines the best champions for each role and rank. If you don’t know what champions you like to play, or which champions are strong, then look at the Tier List first. Pick champions you like the look of or know how to play. Limit playing champions not on this list because you will struggle against other strong and meta champions, which brings us on to our next tip.
5. Have a Deep Champion Pool
One tricking a champion can be useful if you can play the same champion repeatedly. Still, if you are like and can’t play the same champion for 50 games in a row, it’s good to have a champion pool that consists of a few champions that are good different things. I really enjoy playing Kayle, I know some matchups are basically lost from the beginning if you are playing against certain champions.
Kayle, for example, struggles against ranged champions like Quinn and strong all-in champions like Yone. Taking her against these champions is not clever, so having a champion that can also be played into those champs is a good idea. In an ideal world, you will always be able to counter the enemy, but sometimes you just have to pick a champion that has the least possible counters and can be blind-picked.
Another thing to consider is your team composition. If your team already has 3 AP champions, it’s not wise to pick a fourth. This is where having champions with different damage styles, play styles and power spikes can be very useful.
I would say pick a maximum of five champions you enjoy and are good at. You don’t really want to go more than five as you won’t have time to master and perfect each champion.
6. Keep an Eye on Objective Timers
In Season 15, there are lots of different objectives, and unless you have the announcer on and are actively keeping an eye on the notifications, popups in games, objectives or timers, you’ll miss out on the key objectives.
My advice would be to download the Mobalytics App, as it will give you timers to let you know when objectives are spawning. If you then use this to your advantage, you will be to rotate to the objectives in time before they spawn.
At the very least, you need to keep an eye on the popup announcements and press tab often so you know when major objectives, such as the Baron, Dragon or anything else spawns.
In Conclusion
There are a ton of things you need to be doing if you want to achieve the highest ranks in the newest Season of LoL. If you don’t want to put in all this effort, then don’t worry about it. After all, it is a game at the end of the day, and you can play ranked just for fun if you want.
For more articles like this one, head over to the Mobalytics Blog for more articles in the new Season of LoL!
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