League of LegendsLoL Guides

5 Best Jungle Synergy With Ambessa in League of Legends

5 Champions Who Synergise With Ambessa

Synergy in League of Legends is crucial for winning games. Having good synergy with your Jungler allows you to get more kills and increases your chances of getting ganks. In League of Legends, Junglers can often make or break a lane, so if you’re looking to play Ambessa alone or with your pre-made, you could look to pair her with one of these champions.

Remember that synergy isn’t going to be the reason you win or lose a game. But it definitely does help. These champions may not be statistically the best, but they are really good when paired with Ambessa in LoL.

If you want to see what other champions work well with Ambessa or any champion in LoL, why not head over to Ambessa Mobalytics Champion Page for more tips and tricks and help to play as and against her.

1. Nocturne

The first champion that works well with Ambessa is Nocturne. He is a strong skirmisher in the early game and can constantly gank her before and after he gets his Ultimate. Nocturne can be extremely strong if he also gets a small lead, so they can work together to get kill after kill.

Thanks to his long-range Ultimate, he is also good at team fights as he can go in simultaneously with her. Together, the two can press R, go in on the same target, and kill them quickly.

Ambessa has good lane control, so Nocturne can also take the objectives in the top lane without fear of the enemy’s Top Laner rotating.

Haunting Nocturne Skin 2

How to play Nocturne in Season 14

2. Sejuani

The next champion we recommend is Sejuani. Sejuani is a strong team fighting and tank champion, perfect for pairing with someone like Ambessa. She can follow up when Ambessa goes in (and vice versa) so they can be the frontline their team needs to win.

If the two of them want to be strong with each other in the laning phase, Ambessa needs to use her strong all-in and skirmishing power to gain an advantage in the lane. Sejuani can then gank her. Even if she pushes the enemy under their tower, Sejuani can soak up damage and tower dive thanks to her tankyness.

Sejuani has good objective control and can take the Void Grubs on her own. Ambessa can easily rotate to help her if she needs assistance, such as the enemy Jungler rocking up and trying to stop her.

How to play Sejuani in Season 14

3. Rumble

The third champion on our list is Rumble. Rumble is a strong Jungler at the best of times, but his Ultimate makes him really good in team fights as it has a rather large area of effect. He can either start the fight with his Ultimate, or Ambessa can go in and he can follow up with his Ultimate. Unlike some other champions on our list, their combo is slightly more versatile.

During the laning phase, Abessa will want to keep the minion wave closer to her side of the map. This lets Rumble gank her lane really easily with his E. The slow, combined with her follow-up damage, will make it really difficult for the enemy to escape.

Post 6, she can start to be more aggressive and push the enemy under their tower. When she does this, Rumble can use his Ultimate under the enemy’s tower to deal extra damage and finish off the enemy.

How to play Rumble in Season 14

4. Fiddlesticks

Fiddlesticks, as a whole, is a very underrated champion. People either die a lot on him or win the game alone. Hopefully, the Fiddlesticks your team picks will be the latter. His Ultimate allows him to close the gap and deal a ton of damage with his Ultimate. Together, the two of them can dish out AOE damage to melt the enemy backline and win the fight.

He can’t be as useful as some champions in the early game like Lee Sin or Elise, but once he has some levels under his belt, he can start to gank frequently. Once he has some points in his W and Q, his damage output can be good in the 2v2 fights. Post 6, he can actively gank her with his Ult.

Ambessa and Fiddlestick have good synergy in team fights. Fiddlesticks’ loves to flank with his Ultimate, which he usually channels from the fog of war. Ambessa can go in first, and then Fiddlesticks follows up, or Fiddle goes in and Ambessa follows up. Either way, the two are good with one another in team fights!

Fiddle me Timbers (Fiddlesticks skin) Splash Crop

How to play Fiddlesticks in Season 14

5. Zac

The final champion on our list is Zac. Zac is a strong ganker and strong team fighter. His dueling potential goes hand in hand with Ambessa and the two of them could take over the game if they work together and help each other out consistently. Zac should look to abuse his strong early game, and Ambessa should use strong skirmishing power to rotate and help Zac when he invades or takes objectives.

Zac can start ganking from level 3 onwards (basically when he gets his 3 main abilities). If Ambessa can keep the minion wave closer to her side of the map, which allows Zac to gank from fog of war to take the enemy down. Post 6, like some other tanks on our list, Zac can also dive the enemy with his superior tankyness and strong defensive stats.

In team fights, the two of them will just want to go deep and fight the backline. They can easily close the gap with their movement tools and quickly get on the enemy backline. Both characters can deal a lot of damage (depending on build), so they can take those squishy champions down fast!

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In Conclusion

Synergy plays a huge part in League of Legends. You need to have good synergy, or you will need help to perform well. Ambessa cannot go in alone, or else she will die quickly. So, having allies who can go in with her simultaneously would be highly beneficial.

In this guide, we talked about 5 different champions that can work well with her, but basically, anyone who deals damage and can also go in will work well with her. So, why try out some different hard-engage champions and see what works with Ambessa!

For more articles like this one, head over to the Mobalytics Champion Page for more Ambessa articles.