Diablo IVLeveling

Diablo 4 Necromancer Leveling Guide

Diablo 4: Necromancer Leveling Guide

Welcome to our Diablo 4 Necromancer leveling guide!

This guide will explore this new build, which is designed to help you succeed in the early game without requiring high-level requirements or special aspects.

We created this guide from our alpha and beta experiences so be sure to check for out post-release update.

To learn more about the class in general, head to our Necromancer class overview. Or, check out our other Diablo 4 class guides.

Is Necromancer a Good Class in Diablo 4?

If you’re looking for a powerful and effective class for the early game of Diablo 4, the Necromancer is the one to choose. However, it does have some weaknesses to be aware of.


The Necromancer is widely considered to be the best early game class in Diablo 4, thanks to its powerful abilities and ease of use.

Compared to the other classes, they have a variety of skills that allow it to heal and sustain itself, making it less reliant on other players. Combined with the ability to summon powerful minions it’s pretty much a one-man army.


Physical and Shadow Damage: The Necromancer deals mostly physical and shadow damage, making it effective against a wide range of enemies but lacking in crowd control. The only crowd control abilities you’ll have access are slow plus minor stuns and roots.

It is also possible to chill enemies with your shadow ability with the use of this unique:

bloodless scream description

Key Features of the Necromancer Build

Here are the main features of the Necromancer build that you need to know:

  • Powerful early game abilities: The build focuses on the Necromancer’s best early game abilities, such as Corpse Explosion, Blood Surge, and Minions. With these skills at your disposal, you can easily dispatch enemies and progress through the game.
  • Minion support: The minions that come with this build have an ungodly amount of stats early on, making them incredibly useful in combat. They can take on enemies while you focus on casting spells and using other abilities.
  • No big level requirements or aspects: This build is designed to be effective even at low levels, so you won’t need to grind or gather specific items to make it work. It’s also effective with any gear you have available.
  • End game viability: This build is focused on the early game, late game you will want to focus on a more specialized build.

How to Play the Build

diablo 4 leveling necromancer build

To succeed with the Necromancer in Diablo 4, it’s essential to build your character with the right skills and abilities.

With this build, you’ll be able to clear the story mode with ease and access the end game content without needing to grind levels or gather specific items.

It focuses on increasing your minion’s damage output while maximizing your own damage potential.

Basic Skills

necromancer leveling basic skills

To begin with, this build focuses on using the Decompose skill to generate more essence and corpses at the same time, it has an added bonus effect to increase the damage output of your minions while using it.

Core Skills

necromancer leveling core skills

For spender, we’ll utilize Blood Surge to abuse the Overpower talent, which will allow us to consistently overpower our Blood Surges for massive damage.

Investing in the Talent Tree

Rather than spending a lot of points to increase the level of our abilities, this build focuses on progressing toward the deeper parts of the talent tree. The most valuable points we can spend on passive abilities are those that empower our minions. With just 3 points, we can get a total of 45% extra damage and HP for our minions.

Selecting Corpse Explosion and Blood Mist

There are two other abilities that we’ll take with this build, Corpse Explosion and Blood Mist.

Corpse Explosion is a source of damage that spends corpses created during combat to create an explosion, while Blood Mist is a defensive ability that breaks CC when used. It also creates a few corpses when used, which will further empower your minions.

Corpse Explosion

This skill is incredibly powerful in the early game and can quickly dispatch large groups of enemies without costing you any essence. It’s especially effective when used in conjunction with Minions as both utilize corpses.

necromancer leveling corpse explosion and bloodmist

Blood Surge

This skill deals massive damage to enemies within a certain radius, making it useful for taking out groups of enemies quickly. Using a specific talent for this skill you can proc Overpower (a different type of critical hit) without gear requirements.

Gearing the Necromancer in Diablo 4

Early game it’s best to just wear anything, eventually swapping out Blues for Yellows, and equipping decent legendaries when obtained.

This also goes for any weapon Legendaries you obtain, early game it’s likely better to swap into a Legendary as long as it has higher base damage.

You want to prioritize damage-dealing stats, Intelligence, level to your damage abilities, and Minion damage. Keep in mind that in Diablo 4 all stats are worthwhile on every class as Intelligence, Willpower, and Dexterity all have Primary attributes.

  • Intelligence increases Skill Damage
  • Willpower increases Resource Generation
  • Dexterity increases Critical Strike Chance

While all of the stats also provide secondary attributes as well.

  • Strength increases Armor
  • Intelligence increases All Resistances
  • Willpower increases Healing Received
  • Dexterity increases the chance to Dodge attacks

Best Codex of Power Aspects

necromancer leveling codex of powers

Codex of powers aspects are the baseline version of specific legendary aspects (but not all legendary aspects have a codex), They are unlocked by completing specific dungeons for the first time. Here’s what we recommend for Necromancer:

  • Blood Bathed Aspect, Offensive, Blood Surge’s Nova echoes again after a short delay, dealing 70% less damage. – Fractured Peaks
  • Aspect of Reanimation, Offensive, Your Skeletons gain increased damage while alive, up to 20%[x] after 10 seconds. – Scosglen

We hope you found our Necromancer leveling guide helpful! Be sure to check out our other Diablo 4 class guides.