Diablo IVGuides

How To Farm Gold In Diablo 4

How To Farm Gold In Diablo 4

If you’re looking for how to farm gold in Diablo 4, we’ve got you covered!

Gold in Diablo 4 is incredibly useful – it allows you to reroll stats on gear, trade with other players, respec your character, and buy useful items from Vendors.

In this guide we are going to cover a couple of methods and techniques you can use to radically improve the speed at which you can farm gold.

Head to our Diablo 4 builds site for the best recommendations by top players.

diablo 4 gold

Speed Dungeons

With the most recent patch you are now able to teleport directly to Nightmare Dungeons, and it’s actually turned Nightmare Dungeons into a pretty decent money maker. You get gold from just looting enemies, but to really rake in the cash it’s important to sell both Ancestral and Sacred items to vendors.

To do this properly you need to make sure you have an empty inventory before you go into a dungeon, and just loot every Rare that drops. If you want to maximize your gold per hour it’s very important to be efficient in town as time spent in town is time not spent collecting gold.

As a general rule you can just Vendor every Sacred item you loot without reading it. The only exception to this rule are Amulets, as a perfectly rolled sacred amulet can actually be really strong. With a properly setup build, you can make 10 million gold per hour.

Sell Carries, Boosts, or Services

discord wtb wts

Selling carries might at first seem like something reserved for high level players, but people want boosts for low level alts all the time. The most common types of carries are:

  • Capstone Dungeons
  • Leveling Through Dungeon Spam in World Tier 4
  • High level Nightmare Dungeons and Uber Lilith

With a good setup you can sell Dungeons for crazy amounts of gold. If you are able to do 50’s with 3 carries you can make 3 million extra gold per dungeon, plus you can sell everything you loot and collect.

This leads to crazy amounts of gold, and if you’re efficient you can push over 30 million gold per hour. However people will even pay 1 million gold for a Capstone Dungeon, so if you get a party of 3 you can make 3 million gold per clear.

How do you buy or sell Carries?

To sell your Carries you will want to join the Diablo 4 Discord, and then either post in “wts boosts-services” or look in “wtb boosts-services”. Wts stands for “Want to Sell”, and wtb stands for “want to buy”.

My preferred method is to post in wts, and then wait for people to request services. Just ask for their BNet and add them, then invite them to a party. You generally will want to wait for 2-3 people before you start clearing to optimize your gold per hour.

The first time you sell carries will be a bit awkward, but as long as you just do what you agree to do people will be happy. If you aren’t sure what they want exactly just ask, that way you can be sure to fulfill exactly what they want.

Sell Rares to Other Players

order seal ancestral rare ring

Using the official Discord we linked above, you will also see that loads of people want to buy Rares, and will pay over 100 million gold for perfect items.

This is particularly powerful when combined with speed Nightmares or selling carries, and your gold per hour can start to get extremely high. Trade has insane value if done correctly, but it’s important to understand a few key terms to make sure you are making as much gold as possible.

Two terms you will see everywhere are 3/4 and 4/4 items. This is referring to the number of BIS stats an item rolls out of the 4 possible stats. So an item with 3 BIS stats is 3/4 and an item with 4 BIS stats is 4/4. With these concepts in mind, let’s look at how to know if your rare is valuable.

  • 3/4 Vs 4/4
    • Items must be at least 3/4 and for maximum value should be 4/4. This is because the buyer will have to pay to roll the item if it’s only 3/4
  • Stat Rolls
    • Not only do items need to have the correct stats, but those stats also need to roll well. If your item has max rolls on at least 3 of the stats, you’re in a great spot.
  • Item level requirement
    • The item level requirement of items is based on your character’s level when it drops. The lower the item level requirement the more valuable the item becomes.
  • Item Power Level
    • This stat is probably overvalued by people, but they will pay extra if the Item Power level is higher. This is super important on weapons, as higher Item Power items roll a higher Damage Range

Head to our Diablo 4 builds site for the best recommendations by top players.