
Destiny 2 – Exodus Crash Grandmaster Nightfall Guide

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Exodus Crash Grandmaster Nightfall Guide (The Final Shape)

Welcome to our Exodus Crash Grandmaster Nightfall guide for Destiny 2.

After what seems like an eternity, Exodus Crash is finally back in the Nightfall Rotation.

In this guide, we’ll cover recommended builds, strategies, how to handle mechanics, and more.

Exodus Crash Grandmaster Nightfall Splash

Strike Details

Exodus Crash Weapon

  • Strike: Exodus Crash
  • Champions: Barrier & Overload
  • Surges: Arc & Solar (25% bonus to outgoing damage)
  • Overcharged Weapon: Rocket Launcher (25% bonus to outgoing damage)
  • Threat: Arc (25% increase to incoming damage)
  • Weapon Reward: Warden’s Law (Adept)

Strike Section Breakdowns

Opening Segment

Exodus Crash as a whole has been altered since being added to the Nightfall rotation during Episode I of The Final Shape. As soon as you spawn, you will encounter a handful of enemies upon exiting the cave, one of which is a Barrier Hobgoblin. Take them out quickly.

As you push forward, be very mindful of the Fallen tripmines. They hurt. A lot. You will have to take out Overload Captains and a Brig, which also hurts quite a bit.

When fighting the first Overload Captain, watch for Vandal snipers off in the background. They also hurt. While fighting the Brig, a Barrier Servitor will spawn behind you. Dispatch it.

Once the Hydra spawns, defeat it, and deposit the Arc energy it drops into the receptacle to open the door.

Arc energy Deposit Destiny 2

Tripmine Time

From here, proceed as you normally would, making sure you destroy the fallen trip mines before proceeding.

After the first set of mines, there will be an Overload Captain. Go ahead and nuke him before pressing forward. After the Overload room, you will be greeted by a Barrier Servitor. Again, no big deal. Deal with him accordingly and keep on moving.

The Hack Room

You all know and remember this room! It isn’t that bad, even on Grandmaster difficulty.

First, watch the top of the room for sniper Shanks and Vandals. If left unchecked, they will wipe your team out! Before you even go to the terminal and send out your Ghost, there will be two Overload Captains in the room. Dispatch them and activate the terminal.

It’s best to have the whole fire team on the plate, as you will capture it very quickly with everyone standing there. Eventually, you will face a Stasis-wielding miniboss. Deal with this guy immediately. The shatter damage you can take can very easily kill you and potentially end the run!

Be mindful that a Barrier Servitor will spawn on the right side of the room after the first miniboss is killed. Once the hack is complete, another Stasis wielder will spawn. Spread out a bit, and get rid of it.

Upon defeating the Disciple of Kridis, two more Overload Captains will spawn. Handle them and you’re good to proceed!

Traversal to the Boss Room

Arc Charges Destiny 2

After that fiasco, you’ll be tasked with opening a door with a Scorch Cannon. The only problem is that the Scorch Cannon is locked behind a barrier. To open it, you’ll need to dunk 3 Arc charges.

Immediately upon getting into the open area with three objectives, take out the Hydra up high to the left. Go pick up the Arc, charge it drops, and dunk it. There is a Cyclops near the Hydra, but I wouldn’t waste your time on it. It usually can’t even see you to shoot at you!

Watch out for Wyverns throughout this. They’re red bars, but they still do a lot of damage.

If you head straight from where you came in, you’ll find a Barrier Hobgoblin- not nearly as annoying as the Hydra! Go ahead and kill it and deposit the Arc charge it drops. On the right side of the area will be a Minotaur. Defeat it and dunk the last Arc charge it just so happened to have.

An Overload Minotaur will spawn. Handle it however you see fit. Go forward, grab the Scorch Cannon, and use it to open the barrier ahead of you.

The Tank

We all remember the part where you have to fight the Fallen Walker here. It’s just ever so slightly worse on Grandmaster difficulty.

As soon as you get to the area where the tank is, make a point of destroying all the Pike riders. With Arc threat, they do insane damage and it’s best to just get rid of them immediately.

Go ahead and run up on the Walker and destroy it. It’s actually very easy to deal with, even on Grandmaster. Defeat the Barrier Servitor and head on into the opening opposite where you came in.

Traversal Pt.2

When you reach the dark room, immediately take out the Barrier Servitor. It will make sniper shanks immune, and that’s definitely not what you want.

Shoot all the Duskfield Shanks and make your way up and into the boss room.

The Boss Room

When you drop down into the boss room, defeat all the Shanks to begin the fight. Then the Vandal boss will spawn.

Destiny 2 Vandal Boss

As soon as the boss spawns, hit him hard. Use Supers, heavy, anything. It’s actually super weak, so you can absolutely delete the first health bar. This part still isn’t hard, but be careful, as many enemies spawn.

Fanatics will spawn across the arena, as well as an Overload and a Barrier Champ. A Hydra will also spawn in the middle; after dealing with the 2 Champions, defeat the Hydra and deposit the Arc charge it drops to spawn the boss back in for phase 2!

Finish off the boss, and congratulations, you’ve beaten Exodus Crash on Grandmaster!

Best Builds for the Exodus Crash Grandmaster Nightfall

Warlock Build – King of Healing

king of healing build

[See full King of Healing build]

This build is all but mandatory in the boss room. You don’t have any cover, and there can be a lot of enemies up at the same time. Well of Radiance also comes in handy during the boss room, as well as the hack room!

Don’t be stingy with your Healing Turrets or Phoenix Dives, as you’ll have them up almost constantly!

Hunter Build – GM Exodus

gm exodus build

[See full GM Exodus build]

Having a sniper in a Nightfall is always useful, and with an Anti-Barrier Sniper in the Artifact, it just makes it even better. This build will keep the whole fireteam alive when it counts most.

Tether is also going to be great in the boss room, and the hack room for dealing with adds and stacking damage onto heavy-hitting bosses.

Titan Build – Wicked Ridgecap

Wicked Ridgecap build

[See full Wicked Ridgecap build]

Now for a fun one! With this setup, you’ll be able to stun all champions, decimate adds, and have constant uptime on basically everything. Jolting grenades, Diamond Lances, Drengr’s Lash, Overshields, Frost Armor… What more could you ask for?

Spam everything and have a blast!

In Conclusion

The Exodus Crash Grandmaster Nightfall was everything I had imagined it would be. It was easy, but very fun and exciting. While I personally think it could be a little bit harder, an easy GM with double rewards can’t be argued with! Go get out there and cash in those double rewards!