Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 12 Guide: How to Play Sugarcraft

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How to Play Sugarcraft — TFT Set 12: Magic N’ Mayhem

Welcome to our trait guide, where we’ll be covering the new Set 12 TFT trait: Sugarcraft.

In this guide, we’ll explain how Sugarcraft works, cover the different champions, provide notable Augment choices, and cover some potential team comps.

Explore all of the new Set 12 traits here!

How TFT Sugarcraft Works

Sugarcraft Trait Bonus

Sugarcrafters build a layer cake from sugar. Gain sugar for each component your champions are holding after player combat.
They gain Attack damage Attack Damage and Ability power Ability Power, increased by 10% for each cake layer. When the cake has reached 7 layers, gain treats instead!

  • (2) 2 sugar, 20 Attack damage/Ability power
  • (4) 4 sugar, 30 Attack damage/Ability power
  • (6) 6 sugar, 35 Attack damage/Ability power, team gains 50 Health

Sugarcraft is a trait very reminiscent of 8-Bit from Set 10. Sugarcraft wants you to build items quickly to start stacking up Sugar for a stronger trait bonus.

If you can reach the final layer of the cake, you’ll get a big loot reward. We don’t have the details of what exactly you get, but I expect it to be well worth it. (If you can make it)

Sugarcraft Synergy

Here are all of the Sugarcraft Champions and their other traits:

  • Soraka (1G) Mage
  • Rumble (2G) Blaster + Vanguard
  • Bard (3G) Preserver + Scholar
  • Jinx (3G) Hunter
  • Gwen (4G) Warrior

With only 5 units in the trait, it’s not unexpected that none of them have any class overlap. Even still, this does make going for Vertical Sugarcraft a bit harder.

To reach 6 Sugarcraft, you’ll need an Emblem anyway, so this does give you some flexibility for your 6th unit. There’s also two units with three traits (Rumble/Bard) so the options for Sugarcraft extend a good amount.

Looking at the cost breakdown, we have Jinx/Bard who are both 3-cost, so maybe there’s a potential reroll comp there. Gwen is your usual 4-cost carry, so she likely will be a strong build-around as well.

TFT Sugarcraft Champions

Soraka (1G) Sugarcraft + Mage

TFT Set 12 Soraka Ability

[See Soraka’s Champion Page]

To start off, we have Soraka opening up the Sugarcraft trait as a 1-cost Mage. The Mage trait starts at (3), and in general, Mages require more team slots than other classes.

Because of this, it’s unlikely you’ll look to run Vertical Sugarcraft along with Mages. Even still, you can have a Mage comp that flexes in Sugarcraft (2) for some extra loot.

You just won’t be able to get much Sugar with only Sugarcraft (2).

Rumble (2G) Sugarcraft + Blaster + Vanguard

TFT Set 12 Rumble Ability

[See Rumble’s Champion Page]

Up next, we have our 2-cost Sugarcrafter, Rumble. Rumble has three traits, making him very flexible for the team. Vanguard is also the only frontline trait for the Sugarcraft trait.

His Blaster trait does open up some interesting synergy with other carrys like Varus or Smolder, so there’s definitely lots to explore.

Bard (3G) Sugarcraft + Preserver + Scholar

TFT Set 12 Bard Ability

[See Bard’s Champion Page]

The Sugarcraft trait has two 3-cost units, and Bard is our first Bard. Like Rumble, Bard has 3 traits, making him very flexible. His Scholar trait provides mana generation for himself, while the Preserver trait is a team-wide buff.

His ability is purely focused on damage, making him a potential AP reroll carry.

Jinx (3G) Sugarcraft + Hunter

TFT Set 12 Jinx Ability

[See Jinx’s Champion Page]

Jinx is the other 3-cost Sugarcraft unit and is the opposite of Bard. She is a simple AD carry unit with an Attack Speed buff on her ability. She also deals a bit of bonus true damage through her ability as well.

With this, we have two 3-cost units that can act as your AP and AD reroll carry. From there, you can try to expand the team with more Sugarcrafts or other units that synergize with Bard/Jinx.

Gwen (4G) Sugarcraft + Warrior

TFT Set 12 Gwen Ability

[See Gwen’s Champion Page]

Lastly, we have Gwen, a traditional 4-cost carry. She’s a melee carry who deals most of her damage through her AP ability and low mana pool.

As a melee carry, you’ll want to build a mixture of damage and survivability items. This will let Gwen survive while shredding through the enemy team.

Best TFT Sugarcraft Augments

Sugarcraft Crest/Crown


Gain a Sugarcraft Emblem and a Rumble.

The Sugarcraft Emblem is necessary in order to reach Sugarcraft (6). This likely will be a requirement to build the cake to it’s final layer for the massive loot bonus.

Since the Sugarcraft trait grants additional stats, you’ll want to put it on a strong unit on your team. It can be another Warrior that you paired with Gwen, or maybe a Hunter/Scholar that you’re pairing with Jinx/Bard.

Caramelized Comforts

CaramelizedComforts_II.TFT_Set12For each component equipped, Sugarcrafters gain 50 Health and 8% chance to drop 1 gold on each kill. Gain a Soraka and a Rumble.

This is the Sugarcraft trait Augment, and it’s a solid one. Assuming your Sugarcrafters have 3 items, they’ll gain 150 Health and a 24% chance to drop gold on kill.

This Augment will definitely shine better in vertical Sugarcraft comps, or if you’re playing Jinx/Bard Reroll. If you’re only splashing in Sugarcraft, you won’t get much value from this Augment, even if your main carry is Sugarcraft.

Molten Caramel


Gain a Rumble. Your strongest Rumble’s Ability does 166% damage and costs 30 less Mana but no longer reduces damage.

Up next, we have a Hero Augment for Rumble. Without this Augment, reroll Rumble won’t perform very well. With this Augment, you can try to build your team comp around Rumble instead of the other carrys.

This will turn Rumble into more of a glass cannon, as it removes the damage reduction part of his ability. Be sure to build some survivability items like Hextech Gunblade to keep him alive.

Lastly, since Rumble is your carry with this Augment, you want to empower him with units like Vanguards and Blasters, rather than going deep into the Sugarcraft trait.

TFT Sugarcraft Team Comps

For this section, I’ll go over some team comps that utilize the Sugarcraft trait. Keep in mind that metas shift quickly, and things will change as patches come and go.

To stay up to date on the best team comps, be sure to check our full TFT Tier List covering all the best comps.

Vertical Sugarcraft

TFT Sugar Cake Team Comp 14.17

[Link to Full Guide]

For this first team comp, we have a vertical Sugarcraft strategy, using all 5 units and an Emblem to reach Sugarcraft (6). We have Gwen and Fiora as a strong Warrior duo, and Jinx is another backline carry to itemize as well.

Gwen can also use AP items, which is nice as Jinx and Fiora will take up AD items.

Jinx Wukong Reroll

TFT Monkey D Jinx Team Comp 14.17

[Link to Full Guide]

Currently, we’re not seeing vertical Sugarcraft comps too much in the meta. Flexing in 2 Sugarcraft is very easy and powerful.

For this team comp, we have Jinx as the main damage carry and Wukong as the main tank. Both are 3-cost units, so you can reroll for both at level 7/8.

We have Bard to activate Preserver and Sugarcraft, Olaf is a secondary Hunter carry alongside Jinx.

Gwen 4-Cost Flex

TFT Set 12 Fantastic 4s Team Comp 14.18

[Link to Full Guide]

Up next, we have a team comp that flexes between a variety of 4-cost units. Depending on what 4-cost you hit, you can itemize and play accordingly. Gwen is a nice 4-cost carry that combines with Fiora for Warrior 2.

Once again, we have Bard as the Sugarcraft activator since his Preserver trait is very good for utility. This comp is quite similar to the one above thematically, but it uses higher cost units to achieve its power.

Molten Caramel (Rumble Hero Augment)

TFT Set 12 Molten Caramel Team Comp 14.18

[Link to Full Guide]

Lastly, we have a Rumble carry team comp using the Molten Caramel Hero Augment. This Augment transforms Rumble into a damage carry rather than a tank.

We only have Sugarcraft 2 for this comp, with Tristana as the backline carry to reroll alongside Rumble. After this, we have a Vanguard frontline, Rakan for Preserver utility, and Xerath as a late game carry.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to try and come up with your own team comps for Set 12, check out our Team Builder. For a full overview on the new set, check out our TFT Set 12 Reveal Page.