Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 12 Guide: How to Play Faerie

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How to Play Faerie — TFT Set 12: Magic N’ Mayhem

In this guide, we’ve got you covered if you want to learn how to play the new TFT Faerie trait.

We’ll dive into the Faerie trait’s effects, its champions, and example team comps.

Check out all the new Set 12 traits here!

How TFT Faerie Works

Faerie Trait Bonus

Faeries gain health and create special items that become stronger with trait tiers. Choose a queen with the Faerie Crown which grants Damage Amp. Choose a loyal guard with the Glamoured Armor which grants healing based on the queen’s damage. Only Faeries can wear Faerie items.

  • (2) 100, Faerie Crown 25% amp
  • (4) 400, 30% amp
  • (6) 600, Glamoured Armor 40% amp
  • (8) 1000, 75% amp, Crown and Armor become Radiant

Faerie Synergy

Here are the traits of the Faerie champions that give the opportunity to create trait webs:

  • Lillia (1G) – Bastion
  • Seraphine (1G) – Mage
  • Tristana (2G) – Blaster
  • Katarina (3G) – Warrior
  • Kalista (4G) – Multistriker
  • Rakan (4G) – Preserver
  • Milio (5G) – Scholar

The Faerie trait has 7 units which means that 6 Faerie can be hit quite easily while 9 Faerie is a chase trait that requires two Faerie spatulas. Faerie spatulas can be crafted by putting spat and tear together.

Kalista is a go to carry of the Faeries as she works well with the Faerie Crown and Hecarim can easily fit into the comp work as a Multistrike and Bastion that naturally synergize with the team.

Another potential carry is Seraphine as she can be rerolled along with Lillia and another Bastion or Mage.

Faerie Champions

Lillia (1) – Faerie + Bastion

TFT Set 12 Lillia

[See Lillia’s Champion Page]

Lillia is a tanky unit that is very strong in the early game due to healing and dealing damage with her Dream Bloom ability. Bastion also gives her magic resistance and armor.

Seraphine (1) – Faerie + Mage

TFT Set 12 Seraphine

[See Seraphine’s Champion Page]

Seraphine is an early game carry for the comp as well as a potential re-rollable carry. With her ability Sharp Note, she fires a soundwave toward the longest line of enemies which deals magic damage. With Mage she is able to cast this ability twice allowing her to do a lot of damage!

Tristana (2) – Faerie + Blaster

TFT Set 12 Tristana

[See Tristana’s Champion Page]

Tristana is an AD carry in the comp that could potentially be re-rollable depending on the patch and would need a blaster to be paired with her. However, it is likely that if she is not rerollable that she will either be a trait bot or a unit that you drop later especially if you have a Faerie spat.

Katarina (3) – Faerie + Warrior

TFT Set 12 Katarina

[See Katarina’s Champion Page]

Katarina is an AP Reaper with her Death Lotus ability in which she spins doing magic damage within 2 hexes as well as wounding enemies. She is a front row unit as she only has a 1 hex range for her auto attacks. She also has the Warrior trait which gives her Omnivamp and Damage Amp. When Warriors drop below 40% health they gain double damage amp.

Kalista (4) – Faerie + Multistriker

TFT Set 12 Kalista

[See Kalista’s Champion Page]

Kalista is an AD Carry Multistriker which gives her the chance to have gain 2 additional attacks each time she attacks. She will likely be the primary carry for the Faerie comp in most games. She works extremely well with The Faerie Queen’s Crown which gives her damage amp for the rest of combat. With attack speed and flat AD she becomes quite the monster of the comp.

Rakan (4) – Faerie + Preserver

TFT Set 12 Rakan

[See Rakan’s Champion Page]

Rakan is a tanky Preserver which which heals the team a percent maximum health every 3 seconds. If the unit is already full health, then they get mana instead. This makes Rakan a solid utility unit to keep the Fae alive. The Preservers also get double bonuses of health and mana!

Milio (5) – Faerie + Scholar

TFT Set 12 Milio

[See Milio’s Champion Page]

Milio is the AP carry of the bunch and Seraphine’s AP items can be moved to him as he does damage as well as offer’s utility through his ability Knick Knack Attack which allows him to take out random knick knacks and give the team a variety of buffs such as items!

Best TFT Faerie Augments

Faerie Crest and Faerie Crown

faerie crest augment

Faerie Crest and Faerie Crown give a Faerie Spat which give you more flexibility to decide which Faerie champions you want to play around as well as it makes it easier for you to reach 6 Faerie which gives you access to the Glamoured Armor Item to heal up your front line.

Blossoming Lotus I & II

blossoming lotus augment

Blossoming Lotus gives your units the ability to critically strike abilities which increases their damage output significantly – especially for your carry!


replication augment

A generally strong utility augment where you are able to pick a component and get 3 copies of it. This comp can use multiple copies of bows, swords, cloaks, chains, and even gloves. You can’t really go wrong with picking this augment if you need some items to round out the comp especially since you have extra items from the Faerie trait you want to be able to have 3 items on each of your units that are carrying an item.

Royal Guard

royal guard augment

Every 3 seconds, all Faeries restore max health and the Faerie queen gains AD/AP per surviving Faerie.

TFT Faerie Team Comps

6 Faerie 2 Bastion 3 Multistriker Kalista Carry

  • Lillia, Seraphine, Tristana, Katarina, Kalista, Milio/Faerie, Hecarim, Camille/Multistriker
    • Push levels and roll for Kalista 2 at level 8 at 4-2 or 4-5 if you have enough money.
    • Use Kog’maw, Jinx, Twitch, or another low cost AD unit in the early game to hold your Kalista items or you can use Tristana with a Faerie opener
    • Kalista is the main carry of the comp and holds the Faerie Queen Crown. She also does well with attack speed and flat AD as items
    • Seraphine is a solid anti-heal / Morello holder in the comp
    • If you are able to get a Bastion Spat or Faerie Spat to play 4 Bastion that is ideal to give Kalista more time to take down your opponents
    • The Glamoured Armor item goes on Rakan and Rakan is the main tank unless you have a Faerie spat to place onto a high cost Bastion unit such as Taric or Diana if you can fit them

6 Faerie 3 Mage 2 Bastion Seraphine Reroll Carry

  • Lillia, Seraphine, Soraka, Poppy, Katarina, Galio/Mage, Kalista, Milio or Fae
    • Reroll the 1 costs units Lillia, Seraphine, Soraka, and Poppy at level 4 and 5
    • This comp is best to play when you already have several Seraphines and Lillia from your first few shops
    • Once you hit your 3 star units push levels to get 3 Mage in, followed by 6 Faerie in. The 3 Mage is more important than the 6 Faerie.
    • Seraphine and Lillia are the most important 3 star units of the comp, so it is okay to push levels if you have those 2 units 3 starred even if you don’t have Poppy and Soraka 3 starred.
    • Seraphine uses Shojin and Morello very well
      Make sure to get a spark on Lillia or a Statik Shiv on Soraka for Magic resistance shred