Marvel SnapGuides

Marvel Snap: Nocturne Best Decks and Synergies

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How to Play Nocturne

Welcome back to our weekly review where we’ll be covering Marvel Snap’s latest card, Nocturne, along with the best decks and synergies. I’ll be covering new deck ideas in this article, but to stay up to date, check out our full Marvel Snap Tier List to see any new meta changes.

Nocturne is the first Spotlight Cache release of May, and is coming out  the same time as Blink in the Season Pass.

Browsing through the Marvel Snap community, Nocturne is one of the most anticipated cards of the month, as she has an extremely flexible effect.

Let’s get right into the guide.

Nocturne Effect

Marvel Snap Nocturne

You can move this once. When this moves, replace its location with a random new one.

Nocturne Analysis

Firstly, Nocturne has competitive base stats. 5 power is quite standard for a 3-cost card with a strong effect. Nocturne’s effect is extremely flexible, on top of her competitive stat line.

Nocturne can move once, and she can change a location, making her a mixture of Jeff and Scarlet Witch. Other cards that can move are generally understatted (like Nightcrawler or Vision) so having another on rate Move card is quite attractive.

The added flexibility of changing locations, or even bluffing potential location changes make Nocturne a very enticing card to add to any deck.

Highly synergistic decks won’t need Nocturne like Destroy or Discard, but many other decks can add Nocturne as a strong flexible early game card.

You can consider Nocturne a bit worse than Jeff, but better than Vision. However, there is benefit to Vision being 5-cost and 8 power. You can play him after ramping, you can pull him out with Blink or Jubilee, so Vision has a bit of a different role.

Overall, Nocturne is a very flexible and strong 3-cost card, but her meta relevance will depend on the competition in the 3-cost card slot.

Cards that Synergize with Nocturne

It’s difficult to think about clear Nocturne synergies due to her being a flexible card. If you have the space for her in your deck, you can justify playing her in a variety of decks, similar to Jeff. Even still, I would consider two major synergies.

Move Cards

Marvel Snap Kraven

When a card moves here, this gains +2 Power.

The first synergy is obviously with other Move cards. Nocturne is a strong Move card, which buffs the archetype as a whole. However, her flexibility doesn’t lean into the Move synergy as much, so I doubt the dedicated Move archetype will move up in the meta.

Even still, with Nocturne being another strong Move card, it’s possible for a dedicated Move deck to become a bit more popular this week.

Elsa Bloodstone

Marvel Snap Elsa Bloodstone

Each card you play to fill your side of a location gains +2 Power.

Elsa is another card that synergizes with cards that can move. You can fill a location, get a nice Power buff, and move the card away to do it again.

Elsa is one of the meta archetypes in the current meta game, so this gives Nocturne a lot of stock. However, deck lists in Marvel Snap are extremely tight, so I’m interested to see what ends up being cut for Nocturne.

There’s even a possibility that Nocturne doesn’t make the cut, but Marvel Snap isn’t just about playing the best 12 cards. There’s room to play other cards for surprise factor of bluff potential as well.

Nocturne Decks

For this section, I’ll be going over some decks that synergize with Nocturne.

Keep in mind that these decks are all first impressions, so things can definitely change rapidly. As new discoveries are made, I will be updating our full Marvel Snap Tier List, rather than update this article.

Be sure to check it out to see what the best decks are.

Nocturne Elsa Move Deck

Marvel Snap Nocturne Elsa Move Deck

These two decks are the easiest fits for Nocturne. While you can definitely splash Nocturne into a variety of decks, she has the extra synergy when combined with Elsa Bloodstone.

This first deck uses the other two simple move cards, Jeff and Vision, to achieve similar synergy with Elsa Bloodstone. This deck consistently puts power on the board and can access difficult locations.

Nocturne Elsa Loki Deck

Marvel Snap Nocturne Loki Deck

Another Elsa deck that fits Nocturne is Loki. Loki is an extremely flexible deck, as there are tons of options you can run outside of the core Loki engine. The core mainly being Loki and Agent Coulson.

You can run Loki without Elsa, but Nocturne gives you more reason to run Elsa Bloodstone. Because of this, I expect a decent amount of Loki in the coming week of May.

Some notable changes you can make to the deck:

  • Agent 13 over Snowguard (budget)
  • Baron Zemo/Mobius/Valentina over the Elsa engine
  • Red Guardian
  • and much much more

You can even run a Loki deck without Loki… and it’s good. Check out KMBest on Youtube for more on that.

How to Beat Nocturne in Marvel Snap

To put it quite frankly, Nocturne isn’t really a card you can counter. She’s not a key synergy piece to any deck, she’s mainly just a flexible card. In a similar vein, Jeff doesn’t really have any counters.

However, Nocturne can’t access locked down locations, so a card like Professor X does potentially counter her.

Since there’s no card that can counter Nocturne, let’s talk about her one downside instead. Similar to Scarlet Witch, changing a location randomly can impact you negatively. A card like Legion is deterministic and you can control what locations change and to what. Nocturne does not have that benefit.

There may be games where you move her and change a location to a bad one. This is just inevitable. The same can be said for Reality Stone from Thanos. It’s a minor downside, but the upside potential outweighs this over the course of many games.

Should You Buy Nocturne?

For first impressions, I would rate Nocturne an 8/10.

Overall, Nocturne is looking to be a very good card releasing this month. Her effect is flexible, she has good stats, and you can likely play her in a variety of decks.

With the current meta where it is, Elsa decks might move up a bit due to Nocturne as well.

However, I wouldn’t ever rate a card a 10/10 simply due to unknown factors. The meta can change dramatically or she might be as impactful as we may think.

Legion was a card in the past that was very flexible and had strong utility with location control. However, in the current meta, he sees virtually no play. I do have higher hopes for Nocturne, though. She’s lower cost, she can move, and you can even choose not to move her.

I wouldn’t regret opening Caches for Nocturne, but to be safe, you can always wait and see other creators and players use her first before committing.

Be sure to check out our Tier Lists for our current rankings on Marvel Snap decks and cards.

Good luck in your games, and thanks for reading!