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The Bazaar Build

Weather Glass Burn Vanessa Build

Updated on Jan 10, 2025
Jan 10, 2025

Build Overview

Burn is one of Vanessa's archetypes and it works by dealing damage every half second. Each tick will lower the total burn by 1, so you want to quickly reapply to keep up the damage. This Burn build looks to stack up with the Weather Glass Item/Tool and slow down enemies with other utility items.

The main drawback of this build is that it spikes heavily with items from PvE encounters / other Heroes, making the build somewhat inconsistent to play.

Kripp's Video Guide

How to Play Iceberg Variant

How to Play Eye of the Colossus Variant

Example 10 Win Builds

Slow Lighthouse Variant

Haste Trebuchet Variant

Port Potion Variant

Iceberg Variant

Eye of the Colossus Variant

Main Engine

Weather Glass

The Weather Glass is a powerful Burn/Poison item that is able to Multicast when you have at least one other item with Burn, Poison, Slow, or Freeze (One for each). This allows you to stack up Burn very quickly, and use your other board slots for utility items.

If you needed one item for each requirement, it would require at least 4 more board slots to fully buff up Weather Glass. Luckily, there's an item that will fulfill every piece with just 1 slot.

Rainbow Potion

Rainbow Potion takes 7 seconds to cast and naturally only has 1 Ammo, but it's an item that fulfills every requirement for Weather Glass. It Burns, Poisons, Slows, and Freezes. With these these two items, you have a very powerful engine that only requires 3 board spaces.

Important: Rainbow Potion is NOT a Vanessa item. There are three main ways to get a Rainbow Potion for Vanessa. Make sure to keep an eye out for these encounters.

  • Another Hero Shop (Mak's Shop)
  • Master Alchemist (PvE Encounter)
  • Randomly generated from the Port

Supporting Items and Skills

With 7 extra spaces, you have a lot of options to fill up the board. Here are some archetypes you can look toward building. We'll also show some strong skills you may encounter.

In general, this build gets a lot of its strength through skills and not pure upgrades. Keep an eye out for pertinent Skill encounters to upgrade your board.


As expected, you can always use more slots for other Burn items. There are other utility items that Burn while also doing other things, but having more Burn won't be bad. This will be great if you have Skills that buff the Burn on all your items, giving every piece more value.

Final Flame (Gold) is a starting skill that you can pick to snowball the early game. The hard part is trying to get both a Burn item and Final Flame on Day 1.


Lighthouse: Burn whenever you Slow an item.

Slow is another utility that synergizes well with Burn due to the Lighthouse. This is a property that burns the enemy every time you slow them. Slowing enemies down is also important because your Burn needs time to ramp up and defeat them.

With the Lighthouse, you can look to use a variety of other Slow items such as Clamera, Tripwire, or Dock Lines.


The Burn archetype also has great access to Haste through the Trebuchet. The Trebuchet will Haste an item whenever you Burn the enemy. Since Weather Glass has Multicast, every cast will Haste an item. After a bit of ramp up time, your entire board can be Hasted.

There are other ways to obtain Haste through other items or skills as well. Trebuchet is very common, but you can look for things like Astrolabe as well.


Pop Snappers: Burn on a 3s CD

Incendiary Rounds: Adjacent Items Burn on use & have 1 extra Max Ammo.

Lastly, Ammo items are also solid items to incorporate into the build. Rainbow Potion is an Ammo item, so getting additional Ammo through Incendiary Rounds or Cannonball are great for using the Potion over and over.

Pop Snappers is also a great early item to get off quick Burns. If you're using Trebuchet having a source of quick Burn to get the Haste rolling is important for tackling faster Builds.

This skill is a random drop from Master Alchemist, giving you another reason to pick him to fight. With this, you can use powerful Potions like Rainbow Potion as long as you place them next to Weather Glass or a Lighter.

Port / Potions

Another variant for the build is to go all in on the Port. With the Port, you essentially get unlimited Ammo on your items, and the Port itself will randomly generate very powerful potions for you to put in.

This can be a strong path if you naturally upgrade your Port quickly and start getting powerful Potions. Since the Port is Large, we can't easily fit in Haste through things like Trebuchet. Try to find another source of Haste either with Enchantments or Skills.

There is a 5 second Potion for every ailment (Burn, Poison, Freeze, Slow). Using these in combination is very powerful and the Port can charge these Potions faster too. You don't need the Port if you have other sources of Ammo or Reload.

If you have lots of Ammo items on board, Heated Shells is a great source of additional Burn.

Eye of the Colossus Variant

Eye of the Colossus

As a rare item drop exclusive to the Void Colossus PvE Encounter, isn't exactly an item you can build around. However if you do manage to find it, you gain access to the most powerful destruction item in the game.

Item destruction is not a common archetype, and for a good reason. It's powerful and debilitating, which is why the ones you'll generally encounter such as or have strict requirements (size and quantity).

breaks the rules, allowing it to destroy items of any size as many times as needed. Coupled with 's Multicast, its long Cooldown becomes quickly shortened. It doesn't take long for the enemy build to be completely obliterated.


Fresh off Patch 0.1.4 with new Charge mechanics, is a crazy fast-casting item. Every time a non-Weapon is used, the gets Charged. It has insane synergy with since each Multicast Charges the , and adds more fuel to the fire.

So long as it's at Gold/Diamond tier, will even trigger more times than , making it the perfect item to be on the other side of .


is the final piece of the puzzle, offering excellent Haste support to all your non-Weapon items.

In Kripp's run this mean't everything except the . This is actually a good thing because the only purpose of the is to fulfill the Freeze slot for 's Multicast. That way Haste is prioritized on the necessary items.

Eye of the ColossusCommon
Ice PickVanessa

Additional Tips

  • Remember to get extra Health and XP where you can. Burn scales well with Skills rather than upgrading every item. For example upgrading Lighter from Silver to Gold only increases the Burn by 1. You'll need the extra Health to survive enemy boards while you ramp.

  • Final Flame is an important Skill for this build. You can get the Gold version at the start of the game, and it works especially well with Weather Glass. If you do find Final Flame, try to get an early Lighter or Pop Snappers to make good use of it.

  • Weapons like Cannon or Musket are great for the early game to deal damage, but they generally fall off unless you fully invest into Weapon. Don't focus too much on upgrading them if you want to transition to a full Burn build.

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