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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Turbo Shell Boulder Vanessa Build

Updated on Jan 15, 2025
Jan 15, 2025


Big, Large, long Cooldown Weapons are typically a rare sight in The Bazaar. While there's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to bonk the opponent, it can often be a tough to reliably pull it off.

After all, the longer it takes, the more time the enemy has to establish their own strategy or disrupt yours.

However, the latest patch has reworked an old skill into a Large Weapon's dream come true. Enter Shield Bash, the strongest new skill in the game.

With Shield Bash, your opponents will essentially be working for you, and ultimately against themselves!

Kripparian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Core Combos and Synergies

The Turbo Shell Engine

In order to effectively make a slower strategy work, it helps to have a good line of defenses. Turtle Shell and Pearl have become Vanessa's greatest sources of Shield, allowing her to tank just about any hit with enough time.

Looking over the build, one thing is probably quite apparent. There are three Pearls. What happened to the one item limit?

Well, while you can't purchase a second copy of an item, you can occasionally acquire them through other means. Most of the time this is exceedingly rare, but when it comes to Small Aquatic items specifically, it's actually quite common.

Fishing Rod is a key part of this build's strategy, allowing you to have a chance to find and stack multiple Pearls. This is incredibly strong as the Pearls will all Charge each other, creating infinite loops of Shield, along with any other "on-use" skill/item/enchant effects.

A Silver tier Fishing Rod is recommended at the minimum, as the items will not combine to upgrade upon finding more. Though if you're given the chance to upgrade it to Gold/Diamond, finding multiple higher tier Pearls is a huge boost in power.

Turtle Shell

Turtle Shell provides all the defensive scaling this build needs to outlast just about anything in a Sandstorm. It's even more insane alongside all the additional Pearls.

It's definitely the number one priority when it comes to upgrading your items. Be sure to take every vendor opportunity in order to find it as early as possible. Acquiring it too late means you'll miss the chance to upgrade it via level-up rewards, making it far more challenging to get it to Diamond.


Assuming items are compared at the same tier, Pearl is the fastest activator in this build. This makes it the ideal target for enchants like Turbo/Heavy/Icy, as it will be able to spam their use repeatedly.

Restorative also works great alongside Turtle Shell as a Poison counter. Since the Healing property scales to the Shield, it will grow at the same rate, further bolstering your defenses.

If you acquire any skills like Lefty Loosey or Righty Tighty, be sure to position Pearl accordingly in order to best take advantage of their effect.

Kripp happened to have a Fiery enchant on one of the Pearls, but it's by no means necessary for the build to work.

The Boulder

Since the patch, The Boulder has become more accessible by dropping from its Diamond exclusivity down to Gold. This gives players more opportunities to pivot or plan it into their builds, as it'll start appearing in vendors much earlier.

At face value The Boulder is a pretty crazy item. I mean, it can literally one-shot the enemy. However, don't forget that "Max Health" doesn't factor in Shield... so with only one Ammo, a little more work may be required.

Scaling its Ammo via Gunpowder or finding a way to refill it is one means, but given its long Cooldown, the best way to capitalize on The Boulder is by ensuring it can Crit. Doing so will mean The Boulder can hit for 2x the opponent's Max Health, which should often be enough to close out the game.

If you want to take it a step further, stacking up extra skills can make a huge difference. Although worst case scenario, you still have the Turbo Shell stalling backup plan.

The Boulder

Gold/Diamond, Large, Weapon

  • Cooldown: 20/16 seconds
  • Max Ammo: 1
  • Deal Damage equal to your enemy's Max Health.
Turtle ShellVanessa
Fishing RodVanessa
Lefty LooseyVanessa, Dooley, Jules
Righty TightyVanessa, Dooley, Mak

Supportive Items and Skills


Seaweed is a pretty accessible item that can help survive against Poison builds. While a Restorative Pearl would usually do a better job, there are generally more priority enchants, and Seaweed does a solid job for little investment.

Even at Silver tier it's a respectable item, as the Turtle Shell and Pearls will quickly ramp up its Healing value. As good as this build is at generating Shield, it still needs to respect the existence of Poison, so don't skip out on it.


Thrusters is a pretty odd choice for the build, and not one that'll typically be found as it's a Dooley item. However, it does really help speed up The Boulder activation by reducing the Cooldown of adjacent items.

Feel free to replace this with another Small Aquatic item. You can't go wrong with more Pearls, but another good option is Clamera to help kickstart the build immediately at the start of combat. As soon as it triggers, your Pearls will soon follow!

Big Guns

Big Guns is an incredibly effective way to maximize the build's Damage potential. It's an alternative means of doubling Damage in case you don't have the Crit Chance.

However, in the event you have both, Big Guns lets you deal 4x the Damage, which should be more than enough to dome the opponent in one go.

Building Crescendo

As long as spamming items is good, Building Crescendo will be too. Its rate of Crit scaling is just too efficient compared to every other option out there.

Aside from maybe the other two skills listed here, you should pretty much always pick Building Crescendo when it's offered.

Shield Bash

Shield Bash is becoming a meta-defining skill as it's the perfect counter to all the Charge spam. With this, it's possible to kill the opponent before your Turbo Shell engine starts getting crazy.

That said, it's probably best to prioritize doubling your Damage first. The build's odds of surviving until The Boulder activation is pretty good... but if you can't one-shot the opponent, you give them breathing room to potentially make a comeback. Damage first, Shield Bash immediately after.

Big GunsVanessa, Stelle, Pygmalien
Building CrescendoVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
Shield BashVanessa, Dooley, Stelle, Pygmalien