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The Bazaar Build

Rarran's Sharkray Vanessa Build

Updated on Jan 12, 2025
Jan 12, 2025


Sharkray has always struggled to keep up with the many powerful items of The Bazaar. Despite its Hasty nature, its scaling and rate of fire was just too slow to reliably contest the meta.

As of Patch 0.1.4, Vanessa's defensive items were given a massive buff, allowing her to turtle up and buy enough time for Sharkray to go to town.

In this build, Rarran showcases a new take on the Aquatic archetype. It shifts away from the usual Pufferfish Poison core, and instead bolsters up its defense so it can launch an even crazier offense!

We're working on updating all our new tooltips and images after the latest big patch, thanks for your patience!

Rarran's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Core Combos and Synergies

The Hasty Aquatic Core

The addition of more Charge effects, plus the ability to scale the amount of seconds Charged (via upgrades), is what really defines the core of this build.

Essentially, every time an item gets used it Charges multiple items, which in turn Charges other items, creating a near-infinite cycle. The only caveat is that you get enough upgrades to ensure your items Charge as fast as possible.

While this build's items have reasonably short cooldowns, it is slightly slower out of the gate. However, once that first item ticks, everything immediately goes ballistic. And don't worry, the Shield spam will more than make up for lost time.


The namesake of the build only has one job, and that's to apply the beatdown!

Honestly, if you wanted to play a purely defensive build, you could drop Sharkray in favor of other items. But that said, it's definitely good to have a powerful scaling Damage source. Passive builds can often fall victim to huge scaling Burn/Poison builds, so it helps to have a way to apply pressure before things get out of hand.

As an added bonus of the latest patch, Sharkray now exists as a Silver tier item, making it easier to find early on.


Astrolabe is the key Haste support that feeds Sharkray. Aside from Sharkray itself, every other item on board is a non-Weapon and can Charge the Astrolabe on-use.

Once the majority of the "Aquatic Core" is upgraded, Astrolabe will churn fast enough to keep most items Hasted at all times, barring enemy disruption.

Turtle Shell

Post patch, Turtle Shell is appearing to be one of the strongest Shield items in the game. Alongside all of the other Charge buffs (and gaining Charge itself), it scales a ridiculous amount of Shield to ALL of your Shield items very fast.

Previously it scaled 30 Shield (at Diamond) to your items on a five second Cooldown, and instead functioned more as the defensive centerpiece, provided you had other ways to scale its Shield. Now it does both.

Turtle Shell should be first in line when it comes to upgrades, because while faster Damage scaling on Sharkray is nice, the most important thing is getting the Charge engine running as smoothly as possible.


Pearl received massive buffs and now has scaling Charge amounts like many other items of the patch. Even at lower tiers it's still quite serviceable, but it becomes absolutely bonkers once it gets to Gold/Diamond.

It goes hand in hand with Turtle Shell and is the final key component that glues it all together.

Rarran put a Turbo enchant on his Pearl, adding even more Haste effects to proc Sharkray. This is a great choice if you get the chance to apply it, but isn't mandatory for the build.

Turtle ShellVanessa

Supportive Items and Skills

Aquatic Allies & Skills

It's worth noting that the remaining items of the build aren't vital pieces themselves. It's less their ability text and more so their item tags. Simply being non-Weapon Aquatic items is good enough!

While the skills listed below aren't critical to the build, they do provide some great utility and are definitely worth it if you see them.


The most relevant of the bunch is Jellyfish thanks to its persistent Haste triggers. Positioned between the Turtle Shell and Pearl, it will go off repeatedly, further growing your Sharkray.

It's Poison is irrelevant for this build, so don't worry about investing in it.

Rarran happened to find a Shielded Jellyfish from Kev's Armory (Sells Health/Toughness/Shield items) which synergizes perfectly with Turtle Shell. Again not a necessity but a welcome addition.


Multicast combined with on-use Charge triggers is pretty crazy, making IllusoRay a pretty solid pick despite its long Cooldown. Its Slow is also nice considering the build lacks other means of disruption aside from skills.

Once again Rarran caps off the build with yet another Shielded enchant. This one ultimately didn't matter, but was a nice icing on the cake to wrap up his crazy run.


Catfish takes up the most flexible slot of the build, since Poison isn't a priority. Aside from its Aquatic tag, it does help that it's a Friend in order to optimize positioning with IllusoRay.

Shield Bash

The freshly reworked Shield Bash is an incredible skill, especially when paired with a single key Weapon. Each time your opponent uses a non-Weapon item it will Charge Sharkray, further accelerating your Damage output.

And considering the fact that there's so many Charge items now, there's a good chance your opponent will be doing a ton of the work for you!

Quality over Quantity

Quality over Quantity adds some nice Healing in the form of Lifesteal. As a Shield-based build, it helps to have some survivability against Poison builds.

Righty Tighty

Just in case Pearl isn't broken enough already, Righty Tighty turns it into a Slowing machine, adding to the minimal disruption of the build.

Even if your build's positioning would prefer Pearl elsewhere (via other skills), between Turtle Shell and Astrolabe there'll always be another fast-casting item at your disposal.

Shield BashVanessa, Dooley, Stelle, Pygmalien
Quality over QuantityVanessa, Mak, Pygmalien
Righty TightyVanessa, Dooley, Mak