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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Lion Cane HP Stacker Pygmalien Build

Updated on Dec 20, 2024
Dec 20, 2024


Contrary to popular belief, there are a few non Vineyard - Bird - Weights related ways to play as Pygmalien. With the Hero’s heavy focus on economy, if you pilot it correctly, there’s actually some pretty good builds that are just as strong as before if not better.

The rise in popularity of Vanessa builds that either go super fast with weapons or super slow with Port setups, along with the rise of Poison builds like Dooley's Monitor Lizard gave the chance for health stacking Pygmalien to make a comeback not as a meta build, but as a pretty decent anti-meta counter.

This guide covers the fundamentals of how the Lion Cane stacker works but be sure to check out the attached video guides to see Kripp's decisions from top to bottom.

Kripparrian's Video Guides

Example 10 Win Board

Phonograph Variant

Snowglobe Variant

Core Combos and Synergies

We stack health. And then we bonk. That’s the build.

Seriously though, this build is not about the destination, it’s about the journey. Using Pygmalien’s high economy play pattern, Kripp was able to build a decently sized fortune and spent it all juicing up his Golden Pawn Shop to have enough health that alongside a Diamond Belt , his Radiant Lion Cane could power through anything and anyone.

The explanation to the Phonograph Variant build is pretty simple.

  • The Rush monster Skill Hastes Lion Cane - Kripp’s only weapon - on Start of Fight.
  • Turbo Phonograph reduces its cooldown by half, so it goes from 6 to 3 seconds, essentially making it 1.5 seconds with Haste.
  • If the 19000 damage hit from Lion Cane doesn’t kill the opponent, Phonograph is enchanted with Haste, so it will Haste the Lion Cane for another 3 seconds and it will keep bonking very fast.

With the Snowglobe variant, you'll lean more into the Property synergy. Balcony makes your Snow Globe cast way more often, giving your Lion Cane more time for swings.

Lion CanePygmalien
Pawn ShopPygmalien
Snow GlobePygmalien

Health Stacking Pyg as a Meta Counter

Health stacking can be a great option against the Dooly Monitor Lizard meta since you can often kill them before their Poison ramps up enough to endanger you.

If you manage to find an early Lemonade Stand or Pawn Shop , there’s definitely a consideration to just stack as much health as possible, even if you’re not bonking, and just countering the meta by being beefy.

Building Economy as Pygmalien

Income Generation

Pygmalien is the only hero who gets very easy access to economy items, in particular income increases. They come mostly in the form of buying ATMs and clicking the extra income level up reward.

Cash Register is also an item that can count as income generation, since it creates Spare Change at the start of every day. It is slightly better then income, though, since you can sell the spare change for many extra benefits other than the gold itself, or even upgrade it with level up rewards.

Vendors like Mittel, Aila and Quixel can be pretty good on the economy department on early days, since all of them have either ATMs or items that buy and sell for the same price as a baseline.

The act of buying things and selling them is important for your Pawn Shop and Lemonade Stands, since this economy neutral act of selling items that are essentially free like Hatchet will grant you extra value.

Item Value Increases

Loupe and Rewards Card are probably the best value increasing items to get early on. Loupe makes small bronze items completely free and items that generate other items like Hatchet, Briefcase, and Cargo Shorts actually give you extra money for buying them on top of scaling your “when you sell” items.

Rewards card actually scales gold pretty well and you can always choose between juicing up the Pawn Shop for extra health or to do it on a Spare Change for extra gold.

Be on the lookout for a Business Card . It is an important item to just hold in your stash like Star Chart is for Vanessa because it will open up a free 4 EXP option in the Bazaar-Con event.