Armored Core Opener
The best opener for this Harmadillo build is naturally, the Armored Core. If you're able to also get a starting Shielding skill, you're off to a really good start!
Although you have the option to scale multiple Shield items to the right of it, this particular build will only have the Harmadillo to the right.
This is so we can ramp up the Armored Core's casting time with the Charges from the items left of it.
Armored Core
In The Bazaar, the poweful builds often include items with instant effects, such as Vanessa's Pufferfish or Pygmalien's Yo-Yo.
Now that Harmadillo's effect instantly deals Damage whenever you Shield, its an attractive item to build around in combination with the Armored Core.
Next, we'll look for ways to cast Shields fast and often!
Uzi + Duct Tape Combo
The Uzi is a universally good item you can slot into any Dooley build to help Charge your Core.
Within the context of this build, it's particularly good since it not only speeds up your Armored Core, but it also procs the Duct Tape which Shields on adjacent item use.
By placing the Duct Tape between your Uzi and Armored Core, you'll be able to Shield often and thus, trigger your Harmadillo's effect.
Duct Tape
The Bunker is another item that pairs wonderfully with your Harmadillo engine as it offers instant impact that scales with your enemy's casting.
Every time they deal damage, you'll be able to punish them by turning defense into offense.
This particular item also helps Harmadillo beat Freeze comps since their passive effects are both unaffected by non-Destroy crowd control.