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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Harmadillo Dooley Build

Updated on Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025


has existed in many iterations, from unplayably bad to unbelievably broken. However, it's been quite some time since it's crawled out of its .

Shielded enchants can go a long way to boosting its viability, though by far the most important thing is finding .

Unfortunately, now that is removed from Dooley's item pool, this is a lot trickier to pull off. Bannanabal is your best bet, so if you stumble upon a lucky drop it could be the sign to consider .

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Shielded Variant

Shiny Support Variant

Core Combos and Synergies

Sharp and Shielded

's greatest strength is its ability to turn defense into offense. It thrives on having many ways to gain Shield to allow it to Charge and strike even faster. However, it's more about the quantity than the quality.

Unlike , it's about the amount of times you can gain Shield instead of how much Shield you can stack up. This makes low Cooldown items a top priority in order to move as fast as possible.

While this build is decently strong on its own, where it truly shines is with Shielded enchants. The more you have access to, the better. Take every opportunity to check Kev's Armory to improve your odds of finding a Shielded item, and of course, have an item worth enchanting at level 10.

A Shielded will Charge itself with every move, effectively reducing its Cooldown by two seconds. Plus despite the fact that it's more about quantity over quality, a Shielded alone will already be a massive buffer to your build's defenses.

Duct Tape

is the most important item of the build. It is the key enabler for every Shield trigger as it turns your fastest items into Shield procs. It has ridiculous synergy when adjacent to Harmadillo and becomes a brick wall with any reliable form of Shield scaling.

Upgrades are mostly irrelevant except for the additional Slow duration, meaning even a Bronze will suffice if that's all you have to work with. So long as you have the other components, is the pillar of the archetype.

Unfortunately, ever since has been removed from Dooley's item pool, is a lot harder of a build to pull off. The key indicators that can lead you down the path involve finding or acquiring multiple enchants.

Miss Isles

is the third critical piece that makes really pop off. Multicasting next to the will repeatedly Charge and stack a ton of Shield (if you have scaling).

Applying a Shielded enchant takes it to a whole new level, creating a nearly endless loop of triggers. While enchanting isn't mandatory, it's a complete game changer in terms of upping this build's power.

In fact, if given the choice, would be the priority target even over . Low Cooldown with Multicast and adjacent to . It's just ridiculous.

Alpha Ray

adds an accessible form of Damage scaling that triggers at a pretty respectable rate. Between and , it's incredibly easy to keep spamming .

It's a pretty common early pickup, but still worth upgrading and using it in the late game. You won't always have access to Damage scaling skills, so it remains a reliable way to apply pressure instead of just turtling up.

Duct TapeDooley
Miss IslesDooley
Alpha RayDooley
Force FieldDooley

Supportive Items and Skills

Ray Support + Freeze Package

is the standard supporting piece to enable both and , but can honestly be replaced with another Core (except ). It itself isn't doing a ton of work aside from helping the build scale via other items, though it does help pump Charges into the .

alongside helps lock down the opponent's Small items, and when paired together can often keep them halted for a pretty good amount of time.

Kripp happened to get a last minute Fiery enchant on his , which actually works perfectly with the skill that just dropped in PvE. This is by no means necessary, but was a cool bonus point of synergy.

Titanium Casing

is Dooley's premium form of Shield scaling and definitely a reason to nearly always run a Core. This alone gives a ton of added survival to the build, and with enough time can outlast anything that can't break through it.

There's not many skills worth picking over in this build, and if you originally acquire it at Gold, the improved scaling at Diamond is worth the upgrade if you find it.

Reaching the Summit

was Kripp's form of Crit scaling and worked perfectly with the Freeze package. It's a pretty respectable rate given the low Cooldowns on the items.

Improvised Weaponry

is the final form of Damage scaling, provided you have solid access to Crit. When used at 100% rate it's easily one of the strongest Damage scaling skills in the game.

This skill is powerful enough that it can even be worth picking up ahead of time, and then finding some form of Crit scaling later. While it may not do anything in the moment, it's a huge payoff if you do find a way to enable it.

Beta RayDooley
The CoreDooley
Isochoric FreezerDooley
Titanium CasingDooley
Reaching the SummitVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
Improvised WeaponryVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
Void EnergyCommon

Shiny Support Variant

Shiny and Shielded

The advantage of this particular setup is combining Shiny enchanted items with Shielded enchanted items. Additionally, putting these together with and a Shielded creates an insanely fast Charge loop. After all, a Shielded is essentially just a second , which is 's best item.

It's worth noting that isn't normally good enough alone, and only justifies the inclusion because of the Shiny enchant. The main premise is having a fast casting item that allows to Charge the .

The Shiny does an insane amount of work since it, like , benefits from all the Shield triggers. Placed between the and Shielded creates the fastest loop, both enabling itself and creating to machine-gun its enemies.

Given the required item positioning of everything else, just functions as a fast Shield item, instead of having its normal scaling capabilities. While it's possible to reposition in order to lean more on the defensive side, the current setup already offers a lot of defense, and ultimately works faster which is the most important thing.

Premium Skills

is a ridiculous pickup with this build if you happen to find it, although it's on the rare side as a monster skill. This just creates more Shield triggers on top of everything else, helping to accelerate even faster.

turns all every single Shield trigger into Damage scaling, making it a fantastic way to convert all the defense into offense. Without some form of Damage scaling can be rather weak, but is a single skill that can easily solve the problem!

Fiber OpticsDooley
Armored CoreDooley
Sharp CornersDooley, Stelle, Pygmalien
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