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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Hammer Exodia Pygmalien Build

Updated on Mar 22, 2025
Mar 22, 2025


Health-stacking Pygmalien is a very viable strategy that takes advantage of the need for very few items and skills.

This makes it a great pivot option if nothing else is coming together during your run, while still being viable to compete in the late game.

The height of its potential is truly unmatchable by most existing builds, allowing you to tower over the enemy as they barely scrape through your massive pool of HP.

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Core Combos and Synergies

Efficient Economics

A huge part of enabling a Max Health strategy is by building a strong Economy. Without an efficient means of generating gold, you won't be able to afford the various means of Health-stacking.

Pygmalien has plenty of early game options for building Income. The Jungle Ruins event is one of the easiest ways to gain an additional +2 Income, and you can also purchase any s that are offered.

Building up a solid foundation will allow you to fund scaling strategies in the late game. Immediate boosts such as s pale in comparison to the near-infinite end game purchasing power.

Pawn Shop

is by far the best way to scale Max Health, allowing you to reach astronomical numbers. It grows in Value every time you sell an item, making and Gumball events incredibly strong and worth taking.

The trickiest part is honestly acquiring the in the first place, and the later you pick it up, the less time you'll have to scale its Value. If found early enough, you can get a lot of value using , but this won't always be the case.

However, the rework to (formerly Deed) was a massive buff to , allowing it to reliably scale later in the game. Ultimately, this makes the build a viable pivot, whereas before the stars had to align early enough, or else you just couldn't get there.

If you manage to get the Deadly enchant, it's the easiest way to guarantee 100% Crit Chance as it scales to the Value of the , which will easily be well over 100 gold.

Double Whammy + Belt

lets you capitalize on your Economy game plan and turn it into massive raw Damage. When done properly, very few builds can survive its insane one-shot bonk potential.

greatly increases your survivability and Damage output simultaneously, making it so even a Silver/Gold can still threaten an absurdly high number.

Kripp had an Obsidian enchanted , doubling its already insane Damage to even crazier levels. A Radiant enchant is another strong option, helping to ensure your sole source of offense can make it through its long Cooldown.

Pawn ShopPygmalien
Double WhammyPygmalien
Chocolate BarCommon
Rewards CardPygmalien

Supportive Items and Skills


has a bit of a weird interaction with . While its Value-doubling effect will drastically increase your Max Health, because of how it's applied in combat, you won't actually gain the full amount of HP.

Essentially, this means you'll have a massive chunk of missing Health. However, despite this unfortunate interaction, it's definitely still worth the slot. It still increases your Max Health which gives a huge boost to .

Large Appetites

is a great way to get even more Max Health, and since the build uses very few items you'll always fulfill its requirement. While it may not seem like much relative to everything else, don't forget that it multiples and compounds with your other effects, so it's a good chunk of HP.

First Strike

is normally one of the worst Crit stills since after just a few uses you essentially nerf your Crit for the entire fight. However, when you're only looking to swing for 1-2 big hits, a flat 50% is excellent.

can also fulfill the same role without any downside, but for all intents and purposes, they function in basically the same way for this build.

Large AppetitesVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
First StrikeVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
Big NumbersVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
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