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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Force Field Windmill Pygmalien Build (Rare Pivot)

Updated on Jan 14, 2025
Jan 14, 2025


A big part of what makes The Bazaar so engaging is its roguelike nature. Every run has the potential to be different from the last, creating many exciting and memorable experiences.

While many games will have similarities between builds, every now and then you're given a more unique opportunity...

In this rare pivot, Kripp turns a timely monster drop into Shield-stacking machine.

Kripparian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Core Combos and Synergies

An Enchanting Opportunity

It's not every run that you're able to center your build around an item from another Hero. Cross-Hero items can only be found from specialty vendors, PvE Encounters, or when receiving random items. However, many items work excellently outside of their original intended pools. Kripp's Force Field Pygmalien is a prime example.

While Force Field absolutely makes sense as a Dooley item, it also fits really well with Pyg's pool. Pygmalien has a ton of strong Shield options, and even has his own (albeit worse) Shield Damage item in Spiky Shield.

What makes this build particularly special is the fact that it isn't running any actual Shield items aside from Force Field, but instead takes full advantage of a ridiculous enchantment combo... the Shielded Yo-Yo. This is a very effective strategy because it triggers super fast and only takes up the single Small slot.

Now that's not to say this was possible the entire run through. The Shielded enchant didn't come until level 10, meaning other items were swapped in and out along the way. But that's all part of adapting your strategy to the game!

Force Field

Force Field is a very meta dependant item. If you're unable to stack and maintain a reliable amount of Shield, it's essentially worthless. Aggressive Weapon or Burn builds that can quickly eat through Shield will give it a rough time, and you'll have to rely on fortunate Cooldown/activation timing working in your favor.

However, against slower builds that rely on stacking defenses or Poison, Force Field is bonkers. Shield can stack very quickly compared to other attributes, so if your strategy isn't quickly interrupted, it can convert that Shield into silly amounts of Damage. Add in some Crit Chance and you can often 1-2 shot the enemy.

In this current "Charge" meta, many builds are slanted more on the defensive side, giving Force Field a good spread of matchups. It's just too bad that it fares a lot better with Pyg than it does with Dooley right now. Cross your fingers if you want to try it yourself!

To top off Kripp's fortunate run, his Force Field was also blessed with the very rare Shiny enchant, giving it Multicast. This is by no means necessary, but it undoubtedly skyrockets the Damage potential of the build.


Yo-Yo is a common target for Damage scaling as it's one Pyg's fastest Weapons (if not THE fastest). However in this build, the important part of scaling the Damage is to simultaneously scale the Shield.

Kripp's Shielded enchant is unfortunately a necessity, as it's the powerful engine which fuels Force Field's Shield. If you happen to have both items in the early game, you do have a reasonable shot at getting the enchant at level 10. If not, you can always look for skills like Defensive Stance to still allow the Yo-Yo to scale your Shield items.


Windmill is a Large Property that only exists at Diamond, making it a rare find in its own right. Newly buffed from the patch, it now has the ability to consistently Charge adjacent items, enabling some speedy interactions.

You may notice that Kripp has positioned it on the far right, adjacent to the Snow Globe. This would normally be far from optimal as it's only accelerating one item instead of two. The reason? It's currently bugged.

Windmill currently only Charges the item to its left instead of both adjacent items. This is actually a big drawback, but despite this, it still finds its way into the build as a fast Property. You'll soon see what makes that important (see skills below).

Force FieldDooley
Defensive StanceDooley, Stelle, Pygmalien

Supportive Items and Skills


Snow Globe offers some great disruption with its Multicast Freeze. Even though it's only getting half the benefit in this build (being adjacent to only one Property), Windmill keeps it running at a solid rate.

Equally important is its Multicast continuously charging the nearby Marbles, which then triggers the adjacent Yo-Yo. After all, this meta is all about chaining Charge items together.


Marbles is becoming a mainstay of Pyg builds. While many Freeze items have been nerfed, and the overall quantity of skills generally less available, having reliable disruption is very valuable.

It may only target Small items, but that can be enough to Slow down some of the crazy infinite looping Charge combos. After all, many Large and Medium items rely on churning their Small items to keep the overall momentum going.

Reinforced Steel

Reinforced Steel is a powerful Pygmalien-exclusive skill and the primary scaling method of the build. Now you can see why fast Properties are important.

Between Windmill and Snow Globe, the Yo-Yo scales incredibly fast. In fact, the Shield scaling is effectively doubled. The Shielded enchant matches the item's Damage value, but because Reinforced Steel simultaneously scales Shield, it's gaining both the benefits.

Hardened Shield

Hardened Shield is a solid Shield scaling alternative, though it does rely on your opponent's build. Though it can be a particularly useful second Shield skill to help improve your matchup into more aggressive builds.

This helps you scale faster so that Force Field can eventually take over and punch through some major Damage.

Building Crescendo

Building Crescendo is the perfect scaling Crit skill for almost every build now, except for the the slowest single-Weapon type. It's just so easy to reach 100% without trying now, that you really don't need to go out of your way to get Crit Chance via items.

Slowed Targets is a solid alternative if you can't find Building Crescendo, as with help from Marbles, it won't take too long to build up a reliable percentage.

Snow GlobePygmalien
Reinforced SteelPygmalien
Hardened ShieldDooley, Stelle, Pygmalien
Building CrescendoVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
Slowed TargetsVanessa, Dooley, Stelle, Mak