If the Atlas wasn't enough for you, don't worry, because there are even more Endgame systems to progress. These systems provide unique progression systems and exclusive loot to find. At the start of Early Access, 7 additional endgame systems will be present, 5 of which have special sections on the Atlas Skill Tree.
I'll briefly cover each mechanic/system here, but we'll be sure to cover them in more depth in their own guides. For these 4 mechanics, each will have a special section on the Atlas Skill Tree.

This marker indicates that the map contains a Breach. In the map, you can step on the purple hand to open a Breach. Monsters will flood in from another dimension. Killing them fast enough will make the Breach extend further and further.

Monsters from the Breach will drop Catalysts and Breach Rings. Catalysts are a currency item that give special quality to Rings, buffing up certain modifiers. While a regular Ring (Rare) can have up to 20% quality, Breach Rings go up to 50%.
Breach Rings will be some of the most powerful Rings in the game, so keep an eye out for these encounters if you want some for your build.

Maps with the Ritual marker will contain Altars. As you slay monsters near the altar, they will be consumed. Activate the Altar to fight those monsters revived once more. As you slay these monsters, you'll obtain Tribute.
Use this Tribute at the Altar to exchange for rewards/loot.
Maps will contain multiple Altars. Each Altar combines the sacrifices of all the previous Altars. By the last Altar, you'll fight an army of monsters, get even more Tribute, and hopefully get even better rewards.

Omens are a special reward you can buy with Tribute. These are special crafting items that allow you to bend the rules. This is what's known as metacrafting.
Using these Omens will allow you to create very powerful items, provided you use them well.

Up next we have Delirium. In these maps, you'll find a sinister mirror. Stepping into it will spawn a mist, summoning monsters from your crazed nightmare.
Delirium is a semi-timed encounter, meaning you must delve deeper into the mist to continue, building up more rewards. However, the longer you stay in the mist, the more dangerous it becomes. Monsters will get buffed more and more, until you can't take it any longer.
To make the encounter stop, there will be a button right next to your mana bar, or you can simply stop moving and let the encounter end naturally. You'll obtain rewards based on the monsters you killed during the encounter.

Delirium encounters will also drop "Distilled Emotions." These can be used to "anoint" your Amulet, letting you allocate a Notable on the Passive Tree for free by equipping the Amulet. (Anoint is a term from PoE 1)
This can be very powerful as with the right combination of emotions, you can get any Notable on the Tree, no matter how far it is. This can be build defining for some characters, or just be a nice way to get an extra buff while you're still leveling.

You can also use Distilled Emotions on maps to make them Delirious, making them more challenging, and as always, more rewarding.

Moving on, we have Expedition. In these maps, you'll find Kalguuran settlers looking to unbury treasure. Use explosives to unearth loot, but also monsters.

Slay the monsters to open the buried treasure underneath. You'll also find special currency items you can use with each Kalguuran NPC to trade for items.
Note: Look out for "Remnants" in the dig site. These will buff up the buried monsters. Some of these buffs can absolutely destroy certain builds, so be sure to read what they do before you blow things up.
Precursor Tablets

With these special endgame mechanics, you might find Precursor Tablets. These Tablets can be slot into a Tower to increase the amount of encounters you find in your maps.
If you really enjoy doing Breach, find some Breach Tablets, slot them into your Tower, do more Breach, get more Tablets, and so on.
Keep a lookout for areas with multiple Towers that overlap Maps. Placing multiple Tablets in these areas will let you really juice up your maps for more rewards.
Tablets can also be crafted on with Currency. Each Tablet has 2 maximum modifiers.

Let's briefly cover the Realmgates. These are special locations you'll find on your Atlas, and you can use them to tackle the final encounters of certain mechanics.
For example, when completing Breaches, you may find Breach Splinters. Collect enough to create a Breachstone. You can use this Breachstone in the Realmgate to enter the "Twisted Domain." The entire area will be one large Breach, and if you kill enough monsters fast enough, you can tackle the Breach Boss "Xesht, We Who Are One."
While not directly confirmed in the livestream, we can assume Realmgates will be used to tackle the final encounter for the other mechanics.
- Simulacrum (Delirium)
- King of the Mists (Ritual Boss)
- Logbooks (Expedition)