Twitch·Support Counters
Win rate | 40.6% |
Pick rate | 0.3% |
Ban rate | 1.3% |
Matches | 3 249- |
Twitch matchups
Twitch counter tips
Overall Average
Renata Glasc
Laning Against Twitch
Poke Twitch does as much as you can. Avoid trading with him if you can- just poke him down. Once he has completed Lich Bane, he will win most auto trades, so avoid letting him trade back with you if possible.
After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Q. Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for a favourable trade.
AP Twitch doesn’t deal a lot of damage in the very early game, but once he has completed his first item, he will win most trades. Avoid over extending at all costs if he is ahead.
Strategy VS Twitch
Don't clump up or stick close together in team fights versus Twitch as his Spray and Pray R will melt you. Spread out and look for a way to burst him down once he reveals himself.
Twitch will often get incredibly close to your team after popping out of his Q. Once he has left it, try to take him down as quickly as you can.
Control Wards are essential in team fights. Place Trinkets and Control Wards around you when sieging an objective to spot Twitch before he is able to jump out on you.
Twitch Power Spikes
AP Support Twitch has similar power spikes as ADC Twitch. Keep this in mind, especially around level power spikes.
Once Twitch has completed Lich Bane, his damage output and burst damage increases dramatically. Watch out for cheesy plays with his Q as he may look to kill you once you return to lane.
At level 6, Twitch will unlock his Ultimate R. It offers him a lot of additional kill pressure in lane.