Teemo·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 50.4% |
Pick rate | 0.6% |
Ban rate | 3.9% |
Matches | 5 436- |

Teemo matchups
Teemo counter tips
Overall Average















Laning Against Teemo
Expect Teemo to place Mushrooms R in the river and around the Scuttle Crab and your jungle entrances. Opt for a Sweeping Lens to reduce the chances of you walking into one.
If you spot Teemo on the top side of the map, try to invade the bottom side of his jungle to steal away his camps. This will make it really difficult for him to get gold and XP.
He has little control over the Dragon and cannot take it alone. If you’re able to take it uncontested, you should do so. After all, he will just gank bot lane and take it with them if you don’t get it beforehand.
Strategy VS Teemo
Teemo may not join team fights as he isn’t very good in them. He may instead be split pushing and trying to take objectives in the side lanes. Make sure someone is able to stop him from splitting.
Teemo will place Mushrooms R around objectives and in high traffic areas. Avoid going anywhere that Teemo has recently been in without a Sweeping Lens. He and his teammates may be ready and waiting and try and pounce on you.
As Teemo will be split pushing or away from his team during fights, you could use the numbers advantage to force a fight 4v4 or 5v4. Just keep an eye on him and be prepared to rotate if he gets close to your tower.
Teemo Power Spikes
At level 6, Teemo’s pressure increases thanks to his Ultimate R giving him extra damage and the ability to place Mushrooms
R all around the map.
The more ability haste Teemo buys, the more Shrooms R he can place around on the map. Try to take unorthodox pathing to prevent walking through them.
Nashor’s Tooth is a core item for Teemo. It gives him lots of additional stats- which makes him more of a threat.