Smoldervs Nunu & Willump Support

Win rate | 35.7% |
Pick rate | 0.0% |
Ban rate | 1.3% |
Matches | 1 964- |
Based on the analysis of 1 964 matches in All Ranks in Patch 15.6, Smolder has a 100.0% win rate against Nunu & Willump in the Support, which is 64.3% lower than expected win rate of Smolder. This means that Smolder is more likely to lose the game against Nunu & Willump than on average. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP difference, and more.

Smolder matchups
Smolder counter tips
Matchup specific advice on how to play against Smolder as Nunu & Willump
These champs are strong against Smolder at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Smolder.
Overall Average
1 964

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100.0% Win Rate
Nunu & Willump
0Matchup stats based on the matches
N/A | Level 2 | 100.0% | ||
0.83 | KDA | 3.11 | ||
-1 391 | GD@15 | 1 391 | ||
-1316.0 | XPD@15 | 1316.0 | ||
24% | KP | 67% | ||
583.5 | DPM | 941.4 | ||
2.0 | Avg. Lane Kills | 3.0 | ||
0:13 | Support Item Completion | 0:12 |

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