Win rate | 49.7% |
Pick rate | 3.6% |
Ban rate | 16.2% |
Matches | 46 258- |
Juke opponents with R1 then use R2 to send your clone far away out of vision. Q then place your W near your enemy and while still stealthed break the tether with your clone to teleport it back to you, then AA before your stealth runs out. Continue to AA then E to execute.
R1 then R2 to send your clone away, wait for the clone to be close to expiring then Q at your enemy. Break the tether to make the clone teleport right before it explodes, AA instantly after this happens and AA W, followed by AA E AA to finish up.
Another way to juke opponents is to R1 then use R2 to send your clone out then R2 again to make it attack your enemy. Q then place your W near your enemy then AA, continue to AA and use E to execute.
When possible you can save your Q to chase. E then walk up to AA, R1 then instantly Q and R2 to make the clone attack your enemy. Walk around to place your W and AA, then continue to AA afterwards.
To gank or dodge an enemy skill shot Q and get behind your target to AA, then instantly R followed by more AA's until you want to E to execute.
To gank after level 6 Q and place your W behind your target, instantly R1 then eAA. Continue to AA until you want to E to execute.
Your standard gank combo will lead with Q, place Box behind your target then AA, continue to AA and use E.
To burst use E Q AA as quickly as you can.