Sett·Runes for Support
![Pit Grit](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/Sett_P.png?v2)
![Knuckle Down](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/SettQ.png?v2)
![The Show Stopper](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/SettR.png?v2)
Win rate | 45.5% |
Pick rate | 0.2% |
Ban rate | 1.3% |
Matches | 3 034- |
Sett Runes
Sett Matchups Overview
Sett General information
Sett tips and tricks
Sett Support is all about getting an early advantage. Wait for the enemy Support to walk too far forward and then Flash onto them and go for an early kill.
Activate your W while trading: not right at the end or at the beginning as the shield it gives will protect you against follow up damage, and the damage it deals will also come in handy. Using it at the end of the trade is wasteful.
Make sure you auto-attack before activating Q. Your
Q is an auto-attack reset, so auto-attacking first will help you dish out more damage.
Sett combos
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![In-depth Build Stats](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/ui/partners-logo/lolalytics.png)
In-depth Build Stats
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