Win rate | 50.3% |
Pick rate | 4.4% |
Ban rate | 0.7% |
Matches | 73 861- |
To Insec your opponent Q to get into range, use E then Flash instantly behind your target and R.
Once you have full grit stacks R and E W when you land, then Q AA for added burst damage.
W and mid animation use Flash to land your ability for true damage.
To iniate teamfights R then E once you land, AA twice, instantly Q then AA twice into W.
After level 6 use E, AA twice, Q instantly, AA twice then instantly R, AA twice then finish off the kill with W.
A normal trade will look like AA twice then Q instantly AA twice again.
After level 3 you can trade by AA twice Q instantly AA twice again E AA twice and finish off with W.
When around minions use E, AA twice, Q instantly, AA twice and finish up with W.
To catch someone use Q to get in range to E then AA twice into a W for some burst.