Rumble·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 49.6% |
Pick rate | 0.3% |
Ban rate | 0.7% |
Matches | 2 373- |
Rumble matchups
Rumble counter tips
Overall Average
Nunu & Willump
Master Yi
Jarvan IV
Laning Against Rumble
When Rumble’s Q is down, his damage output will be heavily reduced. Wait for him to use his Q on the jungle camp before initiating a skirmish with him.
Rumble has good objective control early. Try and secure the objectives before he has an opportunity to take them on his own.
When fighting Rumble in a 1v1, make sure you dodge his E’s as the slow and damage they deal can be crippling and cost you the fight.
Strategy VS Rumble
Do not group or fight inside the jungle as it will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate R off. By fighting in the open, it will be harder for him to get a 5 person Ult R.
Never try to take an objective like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicking. As you will be quite close together inside the pit, you are allowing him to land a devastating R on your whole team.
Rumble is prone to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate R, try to disengage or reposition so it’s harder for him to deal follow up damage and win the fight.
Rumble Power Spikes
Rumble’s level 6 power spike is very good. His Ultimate R is very strong and will assist him in ganking and skirmishing with the enemy Jungler.
He can be really good in team fights if the enemy is grouped closely together and fights in the jungle.
When Rumble’s completed his first component item, his skirmishing power and 1v1 potential increases heavily.