Neeko·Bot Counters

Win rate | 43.1% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 1.3% |
Matches | 4 069- |

Neeko matchups
Neeko counter tips
Overall Average

Laning Against Neeko
Always watch your positioning during the laning phase. Try and stay at max distance so it’s harder for her to root you with her E. This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate
R off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you.
Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. This will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Q.
Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate
R up.
Strategy VS Neeko
Disengage is your best friend when dealing with Neeko and her Ultimate R in team fights. Disengage as soon as Neeko walks forward and tries to engage to minimize the usefulness of her Ultimate
Ward your flanks and nearby bushes when sieging objectives as Neeko may use her Passive and W to get a good engage off with her Ultimate
Splitting up and not standing too close together will help reduce how many people Neeko and stun with her Ultimate R. Group when team fighting, but don’t stand too close together.
Neeko Power Spikes
At level 6, Neeko will be quite strong. Her Ultimate R can be used as an engage or disengage/ utility tool. Be on the lookout for her Ultimate
Neeko will spike once she backs and gets her first component item. But, this strength depends on whether she is going AP or AD Neeko.
Neeko can be really good in team fights if the enemy groups together. Avoid grouping too closely to reduce her effectiveness in fights.