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Mordekaiser·Jungle Counters

Darkness RiseP
Death's GraspE
Realm of DeathR
Win rate50.0%
Pick rate0.3%
Ban rate6.0%
Matches8 325-
Mordekaiser Jungle has a 50.0% win rate and 0.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Based on our analysis of 8 325 matches, the best counters for Mordekaiser Jungle are Gwen, Rek'Sai, Pantheon, Talon and Elise. On the other hand, Mordekaiser Jungle counters Rammus, Ivern, Zac, Shaco and Shyvana.
Mordekaiser Top
Mordekaiser Jungle
Mordekaiser Mid
Mordekaiser Bot
Mordekaiser Support

Mordekaiser matchups

Jungle Jungle  Patch 14.24

Mordekaiser counter tips

General advice on how to play against Mordekaiser
These champs are weak against Mordekaiser at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Mordekaiser.
Laning Against Mordekaiser

Laning Against Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser has a healthy clear but slow clear in the early game. Try and invade him to steal away his camps to delay his first power spike.

Luckily, Mordekaiser has rather scripted ganks. Place vision around his jungle entrances to spot him leave his jungle. If you’re nearby, you could try to counter gank; but at the very least ping his position.

Once Mordekaiser hits level 6, he will find it slightly easier to gank with his Ultimate Realm of DeathR. Try to equal his pressure by ganking as much as you can in the early game, and whenever he shows up on one side of the map, try to gank another lane or take an objective.

Strategy VS Mordekaiser

Strategy VS Mordekaiser

Ward your flanks as Mordekaiser may try to attack from the side in order to get on a high valued target with his Ultimate Realm of DeathR.

If Mordekaiser misses his Death's GraspE in a team fight, it wouldn’t be a bad time to focus him down as he will be unable to pull your team in when his Death's GraspE is on cooldown.

Avoid starting major objectives like the Baron or a Dragon when Mordekaiser is nearby as he can take your Jungler into the Shadow Realm with his Realm of DeathR which will make taking the objective risky.

Mordekaiser Power Spikes

Mordekaiser Power Spikes

At level 6, Mordekaiser’s kill pressure increases. Whenever his Ultimate Realm of DeathR is up, you need to play more respectfully.

Mordekaiser has a strong all-in potential as soon as he hits level 3, but before that he can be poked out of the lane. Abuse him as much as possible before he hits level 3.

Team fights are where Mordekaiser can shine. If you’re a carry champion, make sure you invest in a QSS so you can get out of his Ultimate Realm of DeathR.
