Malzahar·Support Counters
Win rate | 46.2% |
Pick rate | 0.0% |
Ban rate | 4.3% |
Matches | 426- |
Malzahar matchups
Malzahar counter tips
Overall Average
Laning Against Malzahar
Malzahar will be a real threat when he hits level 6. You need to watch your positioning and not walk too far forward just in case he uses his Ultimate R to catch you out of position.
Destroy Malzahar’s shield whenever possible. It offers him a lot of protection and getting rid of it forces him to play safer.
Focus Malzhaar in this matchup. He is weak early and will die quickly if you focus him first.
Strategy VS Malzahar
In team fights, make sure no one on your team is too far forward as Malzahar may try and catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R.
When sieging objectives or backing off from a fight, watch your positioning as you may walk into Malzahar’s Q which can be devastating to your health bar.
As soon as Malzhar focuses a champion with his Ultimate R, try to CC him so the channel is cancelled.
Malzahar Power Spikes
When he hits level 6, his kill pressure in the lane increases. Expect him to look for aggressive plays with his Ultimate R frequently.
His next major power spike is at level 11 when he puts the second point in his Ultimate R.
After he has completed his first component item, Malzahar’s damage in the lane will increase a lot. His E will be very annoying to deal with too.