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Kalista·Runes for Bot

Martial PoiseP
Fate's CallR
Win rate49.8%
Pick rate3.9%
Ban rate1.6%
Matches21 762-
Kalista Bot has a 49.8% win rate with 3.9% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 21 762 matches in Patch 15.1 the best runes for Kalista Bot are keyStone, rune_1, rune_2, and rune_3 for primary tree, as well as secondary_rune_1 and secondary_rune_2 for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are offenseRuneShard, flexRuneShard, and defenceRuneShard.
Kalista Top
Kalista Jungle
Kalista Mid
Kalista Bot
Kalista Support

Kalista Runes

Bot Bot  Patch 15.1

Kalista Matchups Overview

Kalista General information

Kalista tips and tricks

You can use your Ultimate Fate's CallR to engage or collapse on enemies who are caught out of position. On the topic of Ultimates Fate's CallR, don’t be afraid to save your Support.

Don’t use your Rend RendE until you’re completely finished with the skirmish as you may miss out on extra Rend RendE stacks. Activate RendE as you finish the exchange.

Make good use of your SentinelW by using it to scout vision in the river. Aim it as far as it will so it provides as much information as possible.

Kalista combos

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