Win rate | 48.9% |
Pick rate | 5.2% |
Ban rate | 6.6% |
Matches | 144 072- |
If you want to stun multiple targets in a fight E then AA your first target twice. Q to your main target and E mid air while in range of them both, followed by AA W AA instantly upon landing.
When you need extra mobility to engage E then use Trinket, Q and E as quickly as you can, then instantly AA W AA.
To guarantee your stun lands E then after the lockout period Flash and E AA instantly followed by W Q AA as fast as you can.
When looking to hard engage from max range E then after the lockout period Flash and Q instantly. Use E again mid air and instantly AA W AA upon landing.
To deal damage as you retreat E AA instantly then AA W followed by quickly using Q to get out and using E as you leap away.
Your standard hard engage combo is E then Q and E again mid air followed by an instant AA. W right as the AA completes then continue to AA.
When fighting up close AA W AA then E and continue to AA. Q then mid air E to keep on your target then AA some more.
When looking to quickly fight up close E AA instantly, W Q as quickly as you can and E AA right after.
To trade versus a ranged champion AA the first target then Q to your main target and instantly AA W upon landing.
Your standard defensive engage combo when looking to avoid AA damage is E then Q, instantly AA W followed by a quick E and continue to AA.