Win rate | 51.8% |
Pick rate | 1.4% |
Ban rate | 1.0% |
Matches | 1 028- |
If up close W then R. Once Daisy is out E her then AA until she uses her knockup. Q your target while they are mid air and continue to AA.
To not follow your Q to the target start with W and quickly Q after. Attack move next to your target to Auto Attack which will stop you dashing closer.
For a safer combo Q then W. As soon as the Q hits use R, then once Daisy is out cast E on her then continue to AA.
You can safely engage on someone by using R then using E on Daisy as soon as you can and instantly Q your target right after.
To easily engage E yourself then Flash AA right before it detonates. Follow up with Q and continue to AA.
To bring Daisy to a fight R then Q and instantly E yourself followed by an AA once it lands. Continue to AA once you're close.
To engage on an enemy E yourself then Q. Once it lands AA.
To get on top of an enemy quickly W AA instantly then Q once it lands AA your target.