Gragas·Top Counters
Win rate | 51.2% |
Pick rate | 6.0% |
Ban rate | 3.8% |
Matches | 115 408- |
Gragas matchups
Gragas counter tips
Overall Average
Dr. Mundo
Tahm Kench
Laning Against Gragas
Look for extended trades whenever possible. Gragas relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, but if they’re on cooldown he cannot really do anything except for auto-attack. Go for extended trades when one of his abilities are down.
Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam E is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E.
If Gragas uses his W, it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.
Strategy VS Gragas
Do not group closely together when sieging an objective or team fighting as it provides Gragas with an opportunity to knock your whole team into his with his Ultimate R.
When fighting, make sure you’re not too far forward or split from your team. If you’re too far forward, he could use his Ultimate R to push you into his team. Getting caught out like this could result in the enemy taking an objective shortly afterwards.
Try to constantly poke and harass Gragas. Having him on low health will prevent him from playing or positioning aggressively.
Gragas Power Spikes
Like most champions, Gragas spikes again at level 6 as his Ultimate R is a really good tool when it comes to ganking. Expect him to gank overextended lanes whenever he is level 6.
Always keep an eye on what items he’s buying. Gragas can go tank or can build a lot of AP. If he’s going AP, respect his damage output.
Whenever Gragas has his E up, he is a bigger threat and you need to position and play safely. If he uses his E and it misses, you can look to turn the exchange around.