Win rate | 50.4% |
Pick rate | 6.4% |
Ban rate | 11.2% |
Matches | 193 486- |
To teamfight open with E then AA W once they arrive and instantly Q after, AA for max stacks of your passive then R. Mid animation on the way down Flash towards your next target and AA R them.
Quickly execute targets with Q then mid animation F to land the sweet spot, walk into melee range and AA W then finish off with R.
You can hide your W animation by using AA then W and Q as quickly as possible.
In melee range all in with AA W then instantly Q AA again and pull them back with your E to keep them in range for your final AA into R.
The easiest way to all in is to E then AA W once they arrive and instantly Q after, AA for max stacks of your passive then R.
Set up your Q easily with E then W AA once they reach you followed by stepping back to land your Q sweet spot.
Your basic trade is Q then AA W once you reach your target.