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Corki·Mid Guide

Hextech MunitionsP
Phosphorus BombQ
Gatling GunE
Missile BarrageR
Win rate50.9%
Pick rate1.3%
Ban rate9.6%
Matches9 909-
Corki Mid has a 50.9% win rate and 1.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Corki Mid, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Corki Mid guide!
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Corki Strengths & Weaknesses

Corki is really good in team fights thanks to the AOE poke from his Phosphorus BombQ and Ultimate Missile BarrageR.

He can be good post 6 as he has a lot of poke and wave clear. This can help him get early turret plates and kills.

Outside of the laning phase, and in team fights, Corki has a lot of poke. Delay the team fights for as long as possible while you harass and bully the enemy down.


Corki’s ValkyrieW has quite a long cooldown. This can make him quite vulnerable while it is on cooldown. You need to play safer after using it, and avoid using it aggressively if the enemy Jungler is nearby.

Relies heavily on mana to poke and push. Even though his Ultimate Missile BarrageR doesn’t cost a lot of mana, he can run low on mana quickly if he is constantly using his Phosphorus BombQ and Ultimate Missile BarrageR together. When he is out of mana, he isn’t a threat and neither can he use his ValkyrieW to escape.

Corki is a squishy champion. This makes it hard for him to survive the laning phases against champions with a lot of burst damage and poke.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Corki is Weak

Try and roam around the map and help your allies. Push the wave and then roam.

When using your abilities on the minion wave, try to aim your Phosphorus BombQ and Missile BarrageR so it hits both the enemy and the minion wave at the same time.

Try to find a healthy balance between poking the enemy and using your abilities to farm with. Ideally, do both throughout the early and mid-game.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Corki is Average

Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you poke and harass the enemy with your Phosphorus BombQ and Missile BarrageR. Once the enemy is low, you can commit to the fight.

When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It’s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you can’t get anything done.

Avoid overextending or dying alone. When you’re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon.

Late game
25+ min
Corki is Strong

Continue to delay team fights for as long as possible while you harass and poke the enemy down with your Phosphorus BombQ and Missile BarrageR.

Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.

Think hard and fast before using your Passive and ValkyrieW towards the enemy team. In particular, do not use it aggressively if your team is not in a position to follow up and go in with you.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

When Corki has completed his first item, his wave clear and poke damage will increase heavily. He shouldn’t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it.

At level 6, Corki’s wave clear increases as his Missile BarrageR can help him push the enemy into their tower. His Missile BarrageR are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously.

He is not neccessarily strong at levels 1-4, but he does have his basic attacks, and his Passive which make him abit annoying to deal with if you're playing as a melee champion against him.

Mid game15 - 25 min

During the mid-game, Corki will have completed multiple items. He will have a lot of poke during the mid-game too. This makes him pretty good during this stage of the game.

At level 9, Corki maxes out his Phosphorus BombQ. His wave clear and ability to push the enemy into their tower consistently will be quite high. If he is laning vs a roam heavy champion, he will force them to stay in their lane.

At level 11, Corki can put a second point in his Ultimate Missile BarrageR. This will increase his wave clear and poke.

Late game25+ min

At level 13, Corki will max his second ability which is usually his Gatling GunE. This is a very powerful spike for Corki as it will allow him to shred through tanks in late game team fights.

At level 16, Corki will put the third and final point in his Ultimate Missile BarrageR. As teams will be grouping at this stage of the game, he will be able to poke them down a lot before initiating a fight.

Corki is very good in the late game as long as he is not behind. Try and avoid falling behind in the early game to make you an overwhelming force to be reckoned with in the late game.

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