Camille·Support Counters
Win rate | 49.7% |
Pick rate | 0.7% |
Ban rate | 3.6% |
Matches | 12 542- |
Camille matchups
Camille counter tips
Overall Average
Laning Against Camille
Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage.
If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try and harass Camille with basic attacks whenever she tries to last hit. Camille lacks sustain in the early game, so you can poke her out of lane easily if you keep auto-attacking.
If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.
Strategy VS Camille
Try and stay closely grouped as a team when playing against Camille to make it very hard for her to engage. Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate R, but by standing close together it will reduce her ability to do so.
Camille will often hunt vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map. Stick with your team to reduce Camille’s assassination attempts.
In addition to grouping closely, Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy. Instead, she will try to flank from the side. So whenever you’re sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages.
Camille Power Spikes
Camille Support can be aggressive from level 1, 2 and 3. Watch your positioning and stay far back and away from walls so she can’t gain an early health lead.
Stay away from walls, especially whenever her E is up. She can get kills and make plays whenever her E is up. So play around its cooldown.
At level 6, Camille will look to make plays with her Ultimate. Track her Ultimate cooldown and play far back, and avoid overstaying your welcome if you’re low to deter her form playing aggressive.