Anivia·Support Counters
Win rate | 48.0% |
Pick rate | 0.3% |
Ban rate | 1.9% |
Matches | 2 552- |
Anivia matchups
Anivia counter tips
Overall Average
Renata Glasc
Laning Against Anivia
If you don’t know where Anivia is, it’s plausible that she is hiding in a bush waiting for you to walk up before bursting you down with her Q and E. Keep this in mind when returning to lane.
Don’t forget about Anivia’s Passive. It has a long cooldown, so once it’s been popped, make sure you try to kill her while she is most vulnerable. Call for assistance and ask for ganks while it’s down.
Try and hold off from using any dashes that can help you dodge skill shots. Anivia’s Q and W can be deadly if you have no tools to get away from them. Make sure your dash is always up so you can dodge her Q.
Strategy VS Anivia
CC is your best friend against Anivia as she is squishy and immobile. But she does have tools to defend herself like her Q and W. To make locking her down easier, try to flank her rather than running directly at her to make it harder for her to escape.
As Anivia will need to ward, you could set up a death bush around the Baron or Dragon and kill her when she goes to ward. You could then use her death timer to take the objective.
If Anivia goes missing during the mid-game, she may be trying to setup a death bush herself. Ask yourself where would you be right now if you were Anivia. Don’t face check bushes if you don’t know where she or her team is.
Anivia Power Spikes
Whenever Anivia has her Passive up, her ability to survive all-ins is much higher. Try to look for frequent trades while her Egg is down, and call for assistance when needed.
Once Anvia has some levels behind her, her strength increases dramatically. Respect her burst and all-in potential whenever her Q is available.
Post 6, Anivia can quickly push the minion wave with her R. Once she has access to her Ultimate R, she will constantly push you into your tower. Keep this in mind and try to prevent her from doing so.