Win rate | 51.6% |
Pick rate | 3.8% |
Ban rate | 3.9% |
Matches | 20 446- |
To execute someone after you ult R AA then E, followed by exactly two AA's. As your R ends Q AA to execute.
To ensure people can't escape after you hard engage W then E Flash instantly to AA Q. Continue to AA until your Q is up, then AA again.
To quickly engage Flash then instantly Q W E AA as quickly as you can. Follow up with two more AAs and Q AA.
When saving an ally who is far away Q, then right at the end of your jump Flash and instantly R.
When you want to combo quicker W then E Q instantly followed by three AA's. Q AA to finish up.
Your standard melee range Gank Combo W AA instantly then Q AA E. Follow with two AAs and Q AA right afterwards to execute.
To quickly proc your E lead with E AA instantly then W Q AA. Follow up with two AAs and Q AA right after.
Your mid range Standard Gank Combo is W Q E AA one after another as quickly as you can, followed by some AAs until your Q is up again.