Diablo 4 Spiritborn BuildCliptis' S7 Poison Centipede Leveling Build
This is a poison based build. It uses a combination of Withering Fist and Stinger to deal direct damage while Scourge fears, slows and adds poison damage over time. The use of the Ultimate skill The Devourer, which has a very long timer and adds a massive boost to poison damage. It's a fast paced, very fun and engaging build.

At level 10: -Tempering unlock. As long as you can afford it putting Elemental Surge on as many weapons as you can greatly increases your damage, even with rare temper manuals. -Flasks unlock additional experience gained also. At level 45: -Incense unlocks for additional stacking exp.
Aspect of Might: Dark Ravine Aspect of Umbral: Champion's Demise Ghostwalker Aspect: Broken Bulwark Aspect of Disobedience: Halls of the Damned

Fast Play-style
Easy to play
Lots of Crown Control
Giant Centipede
Build Notes
-Start with Withering Fist to close the gap and generate Vigor. -Use Stinger when you have enough Vigor. -Cast Scourge to add fear, slow, and poison damage for better survivability and damage. -Use The Devourer on cooldown. Huge damage and it follows you as you run towards monsters. -Save Armored Hide for any time you get crowd controlled. It makes you unstoppable on cast.
In-Depth Explanation
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