Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildLeveling - Chain Lightning/Lightning Spear
Chain Lightning is one of Sorcerer's strongest leveling builds. This is due to having solid damage early and the chaining nature of the skill! Chain Lightning has access to one of the best mana regen aspects in the game, Recharging, which grants 3 mana every time Chain lightning bounces.
You start off using Arc Lash and Chain Lightning because you cannot sustain the mana initially, then swap to just Chain Lightning once you get rolling! Best of Luck!
This seasons focus from the seasonal Journey is Chain Lightning! I am sure they will be handing out Axial Conduits! Be on the lookout for Esu's Heirloom boots as well!
You can swap to this before axial, once you have your mana regen under control!
- Controller Friendly
- Good single target
- Good mob clear
- Long Cooldowns
- Can have mana issues early
Build Notes
How to play the build Chain Lightning is very simple to play. You just cast chain lightning and kill enemies. The build is designed to keep your mana topped off so you can continuously cast with no downtime. This is done via the Warmth Passive and the starlight aspect on a ring that generates mana based off of healing. It works even when you are at full life. We will get a lot of damage out of the splintering aspect
Cycling Cooldowns You cycle your cooldowns as needed and to try to keep a barrier up via the protection passive which grants a 3 second barrier when you use a cooldown. This helps prevent you from dying as the barrier takes damage before your life does! Overflowing Energy passive should help keep your shock cooldowns up more.
Leveling Spots World Tier 1 or 2 - Seasonal Story, Codex Dungeons if Applicable, Helltiides World Tier 3 - Helltide Spam or Nightmare Dungeons World Tier 4 - Nightmare Dungeons to Level your glyphs and for large XP gains • Whatever seasonal dungeon thing they have going on in S5 might have great XP • Not sure how good XP is in Infernal Hordes? Give it a whirl
Do your Class quest the second you get to level 15 to unlock fireball enchantment! Your second one comes for free at 30
Remember to use Profane Mind Cages in helltide to increase enemy level for more XP!
Axial Conduit The seasonal focus this season is Chain Lightning, so my assumption is they will hand you an axial conduit and chain lightning aspects throughout the seasonal journey. Axial conduit is a chain lightning unique that vastly enhance chain lightnings damage, at the expense of draining your mana. But this should not be a huge issue for Chain Lightning.
In-Depth Explanation
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