Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildSorc Leveling - Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning is one of Sorcerer's strongest leveling builds. This is due to having solid damage early and the chaining nature of the skill! Chain Lightning has access to one of the best mana regen aspects in the game, Recharging, which grants mana every time Chain lightning bounces. The codex version can be found at the Zenith Dungeon in Fractured Peaks and it starts at 2.5 mana per bounce.

Level 15 • Ice Blade Enchant - to aid in mana regen from primordial binding ranks and to reduce cooldowns • Also useful for proccing Frost Nova Enchant
Level 30 • Frost Nova Enchant - Mass freeze and vulnerable application. Also adds 15% damage to anything you hit

Note - The Shocking Impact passive is very strong early • As you transition towards Level 60, you should start to rely less on Shocking Impact and take Chance for Chain Lightning to Hit Twice Weapon Tempers
Once your build gets decently online, you will swap the aspect positions of Recharging and Lightning Rod, after you have changed to Chain Lightning Hit Twice Tempers around level 40-50 ish
If you absolutely cannot control your mana, drop Conceited for Elemental Acuity on your ring

Controller Friendly
Minimal aiming
Shocking Impact Giga Strong
Damage can fall off
Can have mana issues early
Not as Strong as Burning Builds
Build Notes
How to play the build Chain Lightning is very simple to play. You just cast chain lightning and kill enemies. Use cooldowns as needed, let ice blades do their thing to reduce cooldowns
Cycling Cooldowns You cycle your cooldowns as needed and to try to keep a barrier up via the protection passive which grants a 3 second barrier when you use a cooldown. This helps prevent you from dying as the barrier takes damage before your life does!
Amulet's and Rings are replaced less frequently than others so we put our most important aspects on those. Recharging on our amulet is very strong as we will regen mana everytime Chain Lightning bounces
Early we utilize the base strength that is the Shocking Impact passive. Shocking Impact deals 50% weapon damage per rank when we stun an enemy or attempt to stun a boss (apply a stun to increase the stagger bar). With Shock Familiars and some Lucky Hit chance to Stun Tempers we can get some good value out of this passive
Once you start to really get yourself online, you can spec into Chance for Chain Lightning to Hit Twice Weapon Tempers over Shocking Impact Tempers on your wand/focus
Try to do minimal enchanting when leveling, you replace pieces often
I typically use a staff early like level 1-25 because it's easier to replace 1 item than 2. The value of using a focus is it's cooldown reduction roll, which you really can't consistently find early when you replace gear all the time
Great Uniques if you find them early (basically any unique tbh) • Godslayer Helmet • Soulbrand Chest • Frostburn Gloves • Axial Conduit Pants • Esu's Heirloom, Flickerstep, or Rakanoth Boots • Azurewrath sword • Tal Rasha Ring
In-Depth Explanation
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