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Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildFireball - Red Wedding

Season 7
End Game
Item Reliant
Speed Farm
Updated on Mar 4, 2025
4.7 KFavorites
Build Summary

Fireball is the Mona Lisa of easy to gear endgame builds. Staff of Endless Rage and Gloves of the Illuminator provide so much immediate power and quality of life it's absurd. The second you get Illuminators you can run Fireball as the mana per bounce affix on illuminator gloves solves your mana.

This build bosses extremely hard and is dealing insane damage (billions) on the second and third bounces. It requires open areas though, as walls eat your fireballs. If you have good uptime on your Inferno ultimate as well, you always deal 50% more damage.

Fireball is still giga bugged, and dealing 100's of Millions before you even enter Torment 4. There is a some bug with Fireball's uniques where when all the fireball are allowed to bounce, you deal a gajillion damage on the 2nd and 3rd bounces

Variant Summary

Esu's Ferocity Key Passive + Ancient Flame Aspect

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board

• Ice Blade Enchant - is for increasing our attack speed

• Teleport Enchant - is for movement and spacing, Fireball plays very well with this enchant

• Hard casted teleport is taken on skill bar to let you break Crowd Control effects as you Teleport Evade does NOT grant unstoppable

Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Godslayer CrownHelm
Aspect of ConcentrationChest Armor
Gloves of the IlluminatorGloves
Aspect of the Orange HeraldPants
Rakanoth's WakeBoots
Aspect of Three CursesAmulet
Tal Rasha's Iridescent LoopRing 1
Aspect of Ancient FlameRing 2
Staff of Endless RageWeapon

Esu's Ferocity Key Passive and Ancient Flame are ran to mimic the attack speed starless skies gives you so the build feels GOOD to play. Ancient flame grants you 50% attack speed! It is A LOT

Active Runes
TamRune of Ritual
MotRune of Invocation
CirRune of Ritual
ThulRune of Invocation
Witchcraft Powers
Doom Orb
Eldritch Power
Aura of Siphoning
Growth & Decay Power
Soul Harvest
Growth & Decay Power
Aura Specialization
Lost Power
Purging Touch
Eldritch Power
Shaken Soul
Eldritch Power
Witching HourAmulet
Wicked PactRing 1
Moonlight WardRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Boss Killer
  • Infernal Horde Specialist
  • Easy to Gear
  • Actually S+++ Tier Early Endgame build


  • Damage plummets when fireballs get eaten by walls and against close enemies
  • Requires you to maintain spacing to get bugged juiced damage
  • Can get boring after a while
  • Damage is very inconsistent, it just randomly NUKES

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

This build plays as a mobile turret. You mainly move via teleport enchantment and try to keep yourself at range so enemies are hit by the 2nd and 3rd bounce of Fireball

1) You will be spamming Fireball, and Ice blades whenever we can

2) You utilize Ice armor defensively for a large barrier, and you can pretty much press it whenever it comes off cooldown in the endgame builds. It is typically an engage.

3) Teleport Evade is used for mobility and to allow us to easily keep our distance as fireballs deal the most damage on the 2nd and 3rd bounces due to a bug

4) Flame shield is used to immune frame boss/shade attacks and exploding pools. You can also use it as an engage if Ice armor is down.

5) Inferno is to meant to have permanent uptime for 50% damage

How It Works

Most of this build writeup is referring to the Starter, Endgame, and Speedfarm setup. I typically talk about the Endgame setup in this section and below

The combination of Staff of Endless Rage and Gloves of the illuminator is Chefs Kiss. Endless rage is just a raw stat monster and provides huge damage every third cast. Illuminators give new life to Fireball, allowing it to bounce for better area of effect. Illuminators also provide mana back per bounce. Your mana should be self sufficient unless your fireballs are smashing into a wall before fully finishing their bounces

The key to taking Fireball to the next level after these 2 uniques, is unfortunately acquiring Uber uniques, and lastly getting a god rolled amulet. Preferably a triple passive damage amulet or double passive with intelligence. There is simply no other way to scale fireball besides hitting great masterworks on fireball ranks.

Fireball is one of my favorite builds. It's the fasted build to get fully online in the entire game. You receive a massive damage increase from just acquiring endless rage and illuminators. The icing on the cake is that if you get a pair of illuminator gloves that have a max value of mana per bounce, your mana concerns are essentially solved permanently.

Additionally, our ultimate Inferno received a buff going into Season 7. Now while Inferno is up we get 50% damage with all of our fire skills. Inferno uptime is very important.

In-Depth Explanation

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