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Final Warning - Stats, Exotic Perk, Catalyst & More

Exotic Sidearm
The flit of tiny wings; the pull of a trigger.
Final Warning Guide
Pick Your Poison
Pick Your Poison

Hipfiring: Projectiles will track marked targets, dealing increased body shot damage on impact.

Aiming: Projectiles have greatly increased velocity and deal extra critical hit damage to marked targets.

All at Once
All at Once

Holding down the trigger marks targets within range and loads multiple bullets, which fire in a burst with increased stability on trigger release. Hitting a marked target with a fully charged burst will unravel them.

Probably the closest thing we will get to the Halo Needler. This weapon shoots projectiles and has two firing modes each with their own use. When firing from the hip enemies will become marked with lock-on indicators on them and shots will track to these targets and deal increased body shot damage. When aiming down sights the projectiles move much faster in a burst form that needs to be charged slightly which deals double critical hit damage to marked targets. This weapon deals very good damage for single targets in ADS mode for a primary weapon. It can also easily take out groups of enemies due to its tracking and sending unraveling enemies that are hit with a fully charged burst.

In PvP this weapon has great potential due to the tracking and time to kill, but suffers from a weapon that is meant for close range, but requires charging and by the time your shot will be charged your enemy will most likely kill you resulting in dying or a trade. You can get some ridiculous kills with it, but in most cases a standard sidearm is much more reliable.

Final Warning Perks
Final Warning Catalyst
Final Warning Catalyst
Final Warning Catalyst

Upgrades this weapon to a Masterwork. Once upgraded, the weapon will obtain enhanced capabilities, such as increased stats and/or additional perks.

Defeat targets using this weapon to unlock this upgrade.

String Theory
String Theory

Hits against marked targets deal increased damage and have a chance to refund ammo to the magazine.

Targets defeated: 700
Final Warning Stats
Reload Speed
Aim Assistance
Airborne Effectiveness
Recoil Direction40
Inventory Size50
Rounds Per Minute450
Charge Time1000
How to get Final Warning

Source: "The Final Strand" Exotic Quest

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