Destiny 2 Hunter BuildPrismatic Pest

Dual barrels split into Stasis and Solar damage.

Gain a second dodge charge. Shortly after dodging, your next weapon final blow spawns an Orb of Power.

Build Details
Basically, you want to juice your stats as much as possible so you can spam abilities constantly. Dodging near an enemy will proc dynamo for super energy, get your smoke bomb back with gambler's dodge, slow the enemy, and create a threaded specter. All while giving you grenade energy from bomber and distribution on the class item. Because our dodge is so strong, we run sixth coyote so that we get two dodges instead of one, and it gives us reaper to make an orb of power. The build is quite simple, just throw your abilities as much as you can to get free assists and the odd final blow, and then shoot at enemies while your abilities are on cooldown.
Spam abilities at the enemy team as often as you can. Profit
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