Destiny 2 Hunter BuildSealed Ahamkara Grasps Bloodline Void Hunter Build

Double fires tracking bolts. Landing bolts leeches health from the target.

Powered melee and finisher final blows grant Nightmare Fuel, increasing handling and airborne effectiveness. While active, freshly drawn weapons deal additional damage and grant Nightmare Fuel on final blows. Gaining Nightmare Fuel reloads all holstered weapons.

Huge Weapon Damage
High survivability
End Game Build
Easy to play
Build Details
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps give 35% weapon damage on powered melee or finisher final blows. When getting a finisher or a powered melee get a kill with your equipped weapon which will keep the "nightmare fuel" perk up for 6 seconds until you switch weapon. You must get a kill with the weapon you switched to so you can keep the exotic trait " nightmare" fuel refreshed. Using weapons that deal high damage like Slayer's fang, Parasite and Buried bloodline you can easily keep the damage buff going. Void Hunter is the class of choice so we can apply volatile, weakening and infinite invisibility for great survivability. I also built into devour so we can have health regen on tap.
Get a finisher to gain 35% damage increase. Using weapons such as Buried bloodline or slayer's fang which have inbuilt weakening effects is crucial for survivability as the weakening effects will activate your aspects. Stylish executioner and On the prowl ensure invisiblity on tap and weakening on the fly! Using echo of harvest for orb creation and echo of starvation to gain devour when picking up an orb you can survive end game activities with health regen and infinite invisibility. I also use powerfull attraction mod to auto collect nearby orbs to help proc echo of starvation and 2x void weapon surge. Seasonal artifact mods help but are not a necessity.

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