Destiny 2 Hunter BuildTempest Durability

[Alternate Weapon Action] to swap between scopes and alter this weapon's firing behavior.

Activating Ascension or Tempest Strike throws bouncing explosives at nearby targets that jolt and damage them. Jolting nearby targets grants you damage resistance.

Bolt Charge
Infinite Melee Energy
Close Range
Build Details
This build is a way to let hunters take advantage of bolt charge more.
With tempest strike, every jolt kill you get will grant a stack of bolt charge. You can pair this with fragments to grant more while you're amplified and gain the ability to let ionic traces grant them, too. You will make ionic traces by getting arc weapon kills, jolt kills, and bolt charge kills. This is why running a weapon with voltshot or jolting feedback is crucial to the success of the build.
However, your tempest strike has the ability to apply jolt as well. Since you will be able to spam these all the time because of gambler's dodge and flow state, you can build up a good amount very quickly.
You can pair that with Gifted Conviction, so when using tempest strike, you will make three jolting grenades alongside the original ability. Every time you apply jolt, you will also gain damage reduction. This is amazing because using your tempest strike also provides additional damage reduction for four seconds. If that wasn't enough, amplified will now also grant you damage reduction. All this will stack and make you pretty much unkillable while providing you with bolt charge stacks.
- Use your tempest strike on a group of enemies.
- Use gambler's dodge to get your melee back.
- Use tempest strike again.
- Use any weapon with voltshot or jolting feedback** to grant bolt charge.
- Let flow state refill your class ability quickly.
- Repeat

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