Deadlock Pocket Guide
Deadlock Build

Deadlock Pocket Guide

By MobalyticsUpdated on Sep 13, 2024


Pocket is great at getting in and getting out while doing impressive burst damage. This build focuses on amplifying those traits by maxing Barrage (1) first.

This build was created by Vegas. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Pocket by Vegas"

Early Game

  • Buy Headshot Booster and Close Quarters first in order to farm properly in lane. Pockets gun has a low base damage, so this will help you poke the enemy and farm efficiently.

  • Then buy Enduring Spirit if you need help surviving in lane. Otherwise  buy Mystic Burst  first for stronger poke and look to proc this on your cloak and satchel in lane when possible.

  • If possible save for Mystic Shot,which along with Headshot Booster gives you a lot of poke and kill potential. The damage these items do scale with your barrage's damage amp, so try and maintain as many stacks as possible in lane.If you are having trouble try buying Mystic Reach early to help out.

  • Once you are ready to roam buy Extra Stamina and Sprint Boots for better mobility.

Headshot Booster500
Close Quarters500
Enduring Spirit500
Mystic Burst500
Mystic Reach500
Mystic Shot500
Extra Stamina500
Spirit Boots500

Mid Game

  • Next you pick up Kinetic Dash and Cold Front. These two items give pocket a big power spike that should not be wasted, try and roam and look for ganks to snowball your lead.

  • If you are having trouble surviving buy  Enchanters Barrier and Spirit Lifesteal.

  • This core of items should give us enough strength to save for our first 3k item which is Majestic Leap or Warp Stone.This is purely preference but I find Warpstone to be higher value, since both give mobility but Warpstone provides a bit more damage.

Cold Front1250
Kinetic Dash1250
Spirit Lifesteal1250
Improved Cooldown1250
Mystic Vulnerability1250
Improved Burst3000
Warp Stone3000
Enchanter's Barrier1250
Enduring Speed1250

Late Game

  • We can look to upgrade to Improved Burst and Enduring Speed

  • Ethereal Shift is a great tool and should not be glanced over. This item gives pocket a way out after his initial burst and pairs very nicely with Warp Stone. 

  • Divine Kevlar or Phantom Strike are your best luxury items, entirely preference and depending upon the enemy team's composition. If there are a lot of flying characters or weapon carries like Haze and Wraith, I recommend Phantom Strike over Divine Kevlar.

Ethereal Shift3000
Silence Glyph3000
Phantom Strike6200
Diviner's Kevlar6200
Superior Cooldown3000

Situational Items

  • If the enemy team has a strong Yamato or Lash, I find purchasing Silence Glyph  can help contain them while you finish your burst.

  • If the enemy team has high amounts of spirit armor, early Mystic Vulnerability is very helpful .

Majestic Leap3000
Pristine Emblem3000