This build was created by sharky. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Mirage by sharky" (BuildID: 99971)
Mirage is one of the most early game dominant laners in the game. With high mobility in his Tornado which allows him to lift his targets up and gives him bullet evasion makes him a good initiator. This build goes for high bullet damage and armor reduction which Fire Scarabs when upgraded the minus bullet resist and life steal makes it easy to poke and eliminate targets.
Early Game
First 2 purchases of lane phase Headshot Booster and Hollow Point Ward for more headshot damage and spirit damage which makes Mirage a great early game character.
Extra Health and Sprint Boots for increased mobility, sustain and damage which is the main focus of this build.
Lastly Extra Spirit and Rapid Recharge for spirit burst damage and weapon damage, (OPTIONAL) Rapid Rounds for early game fire rate.
Mid Game
First buy Quicksilver Reload imbued on Djinn's Mark then Kinetic Dash for increased mag size and more mobility.
Slowing Bullets if opting into building Silencer.
Combat Barrier is also a good option for more survivability and increased damage and paired with Return Fire you can start to engage in more fights (also Enchanter's Barrier depending on enemy team's damage).
For the next 2 spirit items either or Improved Cooldown or Duration Extender depends on the playstyle suited best for you.
Suppressor is always good when split pushing and forcing an opponent to have to play more safe because of the increased fire rate advantage it gives you.
Headhunter is the final purchase of the mid game and also a power spike with Fire Scarabs.
Late Game
During the late game Mirage starts to scale slower than other heroes and turns into more of a damage or support role depending on the order of items for supportive Fortitude and one or both Improved Armors.
For damage Improved Spirit and Mystic Slow (if Suppressor) into Crippling Headshot if the enemy team is very tanky or Siphon Bullets as the alternative.
Situational and Luxury Items
Ricochet is a good first choice of luxury and when paired with Inhibitor. Mirage has a lot of movement slow and stun potential in a teamfight on top of having bullet and spirit shred with a little sustain making a big impact.
For anti-heal Toxic Bullets and Decay. If going for a more individual playstyle, Slowing Bullets into Silencer is paired very well with Spiritual Overflow.
Improved Armors (Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor) are always a good purchase, especially if you are engaging in alot of fights for your team.
Debuff Reducer or Debuff Remover are great options against teams with large amounts of debuffs and stuns, especially against Knockdown and Slowing Hex.
Healbane is a good choice to apply healing reduction with spirit damage and upon kill you are granted 350 health.